Mar 05, 2005 19:25
cosco is the shiz of my niz. And the hotdogs are a dandy. Driving with Travis is so entertainging. Even if its just around a huge parking lot. We should have bought a creature. But it would have died in like a day. But those hidous dogd at the entrance hideaous. Then mer ish dwelling at my place. which involved clock work orange and more eating.
Who sneaks out at 1 to go to oasis then dwell at the lid? Oh wait thats perhabs what im doing tonight. I mean im going to the white party.
Casey Collins is such a card. And Kari is so kari. I looves her. I got way to into you got served. then that kid got shoot. and i was like qkuite.
I just tried to study for my history test. that didnt work at all.
Ill probally go eat more....
well you know