Aug 23, 2006 12:36
My Birthday is less than two weeks away now, I'll be 31! I can't believe how fast time flies anymore. It seems like it was just yesterday that I turned 30.
My Mom and Dad are going to come out for my birthday and I'm really looking forward to it! I hope we have really nice weather when they are here. when they were visiting me back in April it rained THE WHOLE time they were here. I'd like to have perfect September weather.
I want to be able to sit on the patio and enjoy a fire in the firepit and have beer and my dad can smoke his cigars.
I also want to be able to go shopping with my Mom. We're hoping that we can sneak out and go. My Dad is NOT a good shopper, he gets annoyed and impatient way too quickly.
Work has been very busy, getting used to my new job and such. I like my job a lot though. I constantly have things to do and keep me busy.
Just found out yesterday that my sissy is having a baby girl! she's due in January and I'm so excited. Her name is going to be Ellen Karin. My Mom's first name is Karin, it is a Swedish name. I've always loved that name so I'm glad that Melissa is going to use it. I didn't want to use it because everyone says it incorrectly. I'll let Melissa fight that battle. ha ha
I did tell both of my sisters that the name Rose is off limits. that is my favorite girls name. Maybe someday I'll have a girl and I can name her Rose Margaret or Margaret Rose. funny that I always want a boy for my first child, but I can't ever come up with boy names that I like. I think I want the middle name to be Treadwell after my husband's grandpa's last name. I also like the name Matthew. I've never met a mean Matthew and I think it is a strong yet unassuming male name.
Don't know why I'm going on about names, I'm not pregnant. I guess it is just like being 10 and picking out names for your doll.
Well, I suppose I should get back to work now!