1. Milton 2. six and twenty 3. Single, and have been for years. Oy. 4. Vertigo 5. Song? Maybe Gershwin's "Someone to Watch Over Me." Album - Maybe Tori Amos's "Under the Pink," but it changes. 6. Tori. 7. Clean, except when dirty. But then I try to get clean again as soon as possible. 8. None. 9. Of course we do! 10. Just smile and pretend you know what you're doing. 11. Always both; I can never see it as solely one or the other. 12. The wording of this question has started to bug me. I've been guilty of keeping silent about things to spare people's feelings, but I would certainly never conceal anything that I thought it would be harmful for you not to know. 13. We were at this social where we knew only one (or maybe two) other people. But I still had fun! Without you there, I would've been so lost. 14. I don't think pleasures should be guilty. 15. I prefer facing away from the shower head so I can feel the hot water on the back of my neck. 16. Apart from more wishes? 1) To be beautiful and successful and to inspire some work of art (preferably a good one that depicts me favourably -- maybe sort my own Dorian Gray-style portrait, but without the dire results), 2) to experience a mutually loving, lasting relationship (that starts soon enough for the two of us to develop memories of having been young and passionately in love), and 3) to live for a reasonably long and fulfilling time but not to overstay my welcome on the planet. 17. We can! And because it's you, I know it would be a spectacular cake. 18. Either I haven't found it yet or haven't realised I've found it. 19. I think I can get fall too easily/get too easily attached. Also wanting too hard to please other people. 20. Absolutely. 21. English. 22. Mine. 23. Nothing. 24. Depending on the weather, from as much as a t-shirt and pajama pants to as little as nothing. 25. Trousers. But not pleated! 26. Alcohol, but only tasty beverages. 27. Be tourists in our own home town and charm everyone we run into. Cap off the the day with a perfect dinner party with our dearest friends. 28. Already done!
2. six and twenty
3. Single, and have been for years. Oy.
4. Vertigo
5. Song? Maybe Gershwin's "Someone to Watch Over Me." Album - Maybe Tori Amos's "Under the Pink," but it changes.
6. Tori.
7. Clean, except when dirty. But then I try to get clean again as soon as possible.
8. None.
9. Of course we do!
10. Just smile and pretend you know what you're doing.
11. Always both; I can never see it as solely one or the other.
12. The wording of this question has started to bug me. I've been guilty of keeping silent about things to spare people's feelings, but I would certainly never conceal anything that I thought it would be harmful for you not to know.
13. We were at this social where we knew only one (or maybe two) other people. But I still had fun! Without you there, I would've been so lost.
14. I don't think pleasures should be guilty.
15. I prefer facing away from the shower head so I can feel the hot water on the back of my neck.
16. Apart from more wishes? 1) To be beautiful and successful and to inspire some work of art (preferably a good one that depicts me favourably -- maybe sort my own Dorian Gray-style portrait, but without the dire results), 2) to experience a mutually loving, lasting relationship (that starts soon enough for the two of us to develop memories of having been young and passionately in love), and 3) to live for a reasonably long and fulfilling time but not to overstay my welcome on the planet.
17. We can! And because it's you, I know it would be a spectacular cake.
18. Either I haven't found it yet or haven't realised I've found it.
19. I think I can get fall too easily/get too easily attached. Also wanting too hard to please other people.
20. Absolutely.
21. English.
22. Mine.
23. Nothing.
24. Depending on the weather, from as much as a t-shirt and pajama pants to as little as nothing.
25. Trousers. But not pleated!
26. Alcohol, but only tasty beverages.
27. Be tourists in our own home town and charm everyone we run into. Cap off the the day with a perfect dinner party with our dearest friends.
28. Already done!
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