Click here to create your own painting. *grin*
Actually, I like it. The painting, that is. It makes me want to take out my paints and play with color for a while, but it's almost midnight and I have to be up in seven hours.
I have just had a most frustrating evening. Seriously, Word + Excel = very VERY BAD. The good news is I have gathered most of the data for my Psycholinguistics working memory experiment (Thank you all who participated!), but I now have only a day and a half to FINISH collecting data, analyze said data, and write the *#$!# report! GAHHHHH!
I'll let you know how it goes.
On the up side, I got together with a few people from my Logic class and we managed to complete the assignment that is due friday. This is a very good thing. Very. Usually I'm only done at the last second, but it's done done DONE! Also, it is worth mentioning that it was a ridiculously difficult set of problems, and if I ever have to prove Modus Tollens again, I will shoot myself.
In other news, I have discovered that strawberry tea (flavored black tea, NOT herbal) with a drip of hazelnut syrup in it is absolutely delicious. Try it!