Dec 31, 2007 20:42
Finally, finally, we reach the long awaited end of 2007. I can't tell you how much I've been wanting this year to just end. I've had a bunch of good stuff happen this year - it hasn't been all bad - but the bad things there have been have far outweighed the good. I got far sicker at the beginning of 2007 than I've ever been before, and ended up with my first-ever hospital admittance. I've had my car towed and damaged by the city who now refuses to take any responsibility whatsoever. I've seen my best friend in the world move away across the country. I've had financial problems that meant I wasted the whole year without my massage therapy license. And to round things out, just when I thought the year might end on a high note, I spent the past couple of months in a roller coaster relationship that ended up breaking my heart and doing me far more damage than good. Right up to this very evening, I don't know for certain what the current status of said relationship is - because someone hasn't had the guts to tell me - but it seems pretty clear that it's over for good. Which seems very fitting for this evening. I can't tell you how happy I am to lay this year to rest.
So what will I be doing? Not out celebrating. I'm too tired after flying in from seeing family today to want to go out and be crazy. Also, 2007 was nothing to celebrate, and I don't want to give myself too much false hope by building up 2008 just to be disappointed. Mostly, I'm tired. Exhausted. Worn out. Tonight will be spent relaxing, and not dealing with crazy, drunk folk of any flavor. Hell, I might even be in bed before the ball drops. Tomorrow will be a slightly different story. Tomorrow I will go and hang out with friends and enjoy myself, and ring in the new year with a bit of fun.
And I will hope that 2008 decides to bring me more good than bad.