Title: Misstep
Author: Prairiedawntoo
Disclaimer: BBC owns Doctor Who, I'm not making money and all that.
Genre: gen, Fourth Doctor spackle
Characters: Romana
Author's note: You didn't really think she would regenerate just because she wanted to look different, did you? I'm sure I'm not the first person to think of this.
Romana lay on her
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This is the link to the actual Ten Doctors comic he made (which is pretty epically amazing in itself): http://comics.shipsinker.com/2007/03/10/a-doctor-who-comic-the-10-doctors/
And here is the link for 8/9 regen. Look, I haven't looked at this page in months, and the first theory is the same as yours! But the last one is my personal favorite.
I'll have to send a note to Rich as well. Actually, the speculation upon which this drabble is based dates back decades, to when I suggested it to my father as a little girl.
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