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We went to court and found out that Judy is trying to get Izac, too! WTF?? She lives in Arkansas, she is no relation to Izac, she has never even met him! What makes her think she has the right to steal that baby away from his Auntie who loves him and visits him at least every other week?
She is Seventh Day Adventist, and they have to grow their cult from inside, so I think she's trying to grow the church by bringing in new blood by adopting children.
You want an example of Judy's parenting skills? She has 3 children. 2 of them are in prison and the third has moved as far away as she can get and wants nothing to do with her.
The part that infuriates me, though, is the fact that the judge and the DSHS worker are both xtian and want to place him in a "fine upstanding xtian home" because, you know, people can't live moral lives without god. In fact, I overhead the DSHS worker tell the CASA worker that if he didn't go to Judy, she would appeal and keep it tied up until he did.
The DSHS worker plays the xtian radio station in her office and in the waiting room outside her office. In a government building. Isn't that somehow violating some sort of church/state thing?