Week One: Survived.

Aug 26, 2005 13:14

I've transitioned quite well.

Before coming to St. Mary's, one thing I tried to indelibly place in my mind was that I didnt want this experience to be solely about the "experience". I know the ups and downs will definately help with character building, friends, and relaxation; however, I want more than that in the end. I didn't come here to be someone that I'm not. I came came here to become more of myself. I've noticed that I'm one a few that approach college this way. Since this is my first year at STMU, they housed me in the first-year experience hall. It's hard being surrounded by people who are experiencing and learning things that I personally went through at that same time. We had a hall meeting on Tuesday and the RA was going over Alcohol policy. He said, "I know that no one in this room is old enough to drink, so don't question our rules", I silently fell back in my chair and thought to myself, "I feel near geriatrics", well, I'm closer than the rest anyway.

My professors are pretty cool. At first I was a little iffy about my calculus professor being that he was new and very shaky on his first day, but then he answered an email of mine quite diligently so he's got potential. My Philosophy professor is horrible, he tries to be funny and comes off as rather...pretentious...he also assigned so much reading!

I wanted to hurt him

I think he's a marianist brother. *Gasp* I'm so evil. *Hides from the Mary statue hovering outside my window*

Anyway, I met someone pretty cool. Her name is Delma and we had like a two hour lunch yesterday. We have two classes together and we've taken up a challenge! Whilst eating lunch, she told me that she has a guy friend in our Residence Hall (Delma and I are also in the same RH) who is very quiet, keeps to himself, and hardly ever comes out of his room. Apparently his hall mates have dubbed him a "Hermit". So, Delma and I have decided to make it our duty to stand guard outside his room, grab him at first opportunity, and help him come out of his shell. It really peeves me to think that people have taken siege on this poor kid who is apparently having trouble adjusting to college and residence life.

I have so much homework. I have a calc test on Tuesday. Phenomenal.
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