Aug 19, 2005 18:22
Ugh. It was so tedious. We went over things that were completely unnecessary and I spent nine hours on campus walking from building to building because of it.
I woke up at four in the morning because I was told I had to take a Math Proficiency Exam at 7:30 and it takes me that long to get there from where I live. So, I arrive at check-in and immediately notice that I'm the first of a few there. As I'm checking in, the Student Orientation Assistant (SOA) looked up at me and happily informed me that I was exempt from all tests. Hooray, I got up at 4 in the morning for absolutely nothing. I was compelled to throw my St. Mary's Orientation packet at her, throw on my U of Texas shirt and walk out of the place with something other than the "hook 'em" gesture protruding from my hand.
I waited in the Orientation room for what seemed to be 2 hours. It was freezing in that room. So, orientation went on and hardly anything interesting or anything useful was said since I had independently done my research. They sent us off according to our departments of study and I really enjoyed this part, though I thought it was too short.
We were finally given a break to eat lunch and visit the community fair where all the various organizations were recruiting members, but I thought it best to walk around campus and get to know the surroundings a little better. It's a beautiful campus and St. Louis Hall is certainly as majestic as it seems in pictures of St. Mary's. I went back to the Convocation Center after walking around and had a quick lunch with this girl whose name I completely forgot (My short term memory is something to be desired these days), I do remember that she was really into Theology and was going to join the Campus Ministry. A few SOAs joined us and after the convo came to a lull and they began bitching about another SOA, I headed over to my next appointment. As I was leaving the center this cute guy who I kept running into gave me this look and was magic, LoL. I kept seeing him later that day mainly because he's a transfer business major as well, and he obviously played for my did many others to my surprise.
As I walked into the Business Center I immediately got lost with two other transfers who were having as hard a time as I was understanding the convoluted numerical pattern. We finally found our cheese and after another hour, got to meet with an advisor. There was this blonde baseball player in front of me whose records were apparently messed up so I had to wait an extra 30 minutes as they dealt with that. In the waiting room I was sitting next to this rather good-looking fellow and young accounting major who was wearing a "The Used" T, Anthony (the good-looking fellow) mentioned that they were coming to SA and asked if she was going to go. She smiled and mummered something indecipherable, I looked over to him as he smirked at me as we both realized that this girl had never before caught fire in her life. Finally, I registered for my classes, and here they are:
Calculus for Business
Introduction to French
Introduction to Sociology
American Literature in the 20th Century
I thought taking 15 hours was a safe choice it being my first semester on campus among many others. Also, just to note, I decided to take French over Spanish because if I were to take Spanish they would have placed me in a far more advanced spanish course and my spanish rivals that of George Bush's English go.
To end the day on a triumphant note, I got my laptop! I received several free things including a USB Device and free Cozie...*scratches Cozie off list*
I stopped at Target and bought most of the things I need...I realized that I forgot a few items when I arrived home...dammit!
I now realize after typing all that up that I had a really bitchy attitude about the orientation process, but I go back to an experience I had while waiting for the next A Rod to come out of advisement: A 20 year old looking hispanic male walked into the waiting room and sat down...he waited with us for what seemed to be 20 minutes as small talk became excruciatingly stagnant by the second. He finally became fed up and picked up a Business Journal, tore it open, crossed his legs, flipped through it, and whispered in a spanish accent, "I hate Orientation, most of it was just unecessary", I smiled while thinking loudly in my mind, "FEZ"!