Jan 13, 2005 21:54
Ok this is simple. I have a list of things under Camp, and then under boston. + = Pro - = Con
+ CIT Year
+ Color War (Think Micah Mingle)
+ Friends
+ Communal Feeling
+ Counsilors
+ Sports Facilities
+ Photo Lab
+ Respect
+/- Friends Returning?
- Camp Bitch
- Sinus
- I tend to be Unhappy
- It wont lead me anywhere
Following Summer- Pick One
I. Israel
II. Architecture Programs
III. Travel Abroad
+ Architecture
+ Familliar
+ Freedom
+ Weekends Free
+ Driving
+ Home Friends
+ No Restrictions on Food or Activities
+ Future Pathway
+ Get Job $$
+/- Stay at Home
+/- Friends Staying?
- Not at Camp
- No Zach (sorry if you guys feel left out, hes my best friend at home and camp)
- Camp 'Left Out' Feeling
Following Summer- Pick One
I. Travel
i. Europe
a. Italy
b. France
c. Greece
d. In General
ii. Australia again
II. Architecture again
Thats all for now....still working on it