(no subject)

Nov 08, 2010 08:56

This weekend I: missed a happy hour because I was still at work; went to a basketball game; got a box of energy-saving lighting accessories (e.g., light bulbs) at said basketball game (yeah, I don't know either); got home waaaaay too late; slept in waaaaay too long; mailed stuff; picked up boxes of books (and a birdhouse for grandma) from our apartment office; took two naps; watched five football games; read 2.8 books; ran twice; sorted out Christmas presents; realized I have no idea what to get grandma; talked to my mom, who told me to buy grandma bras; bought grandma bras in obnoxious FUN colors; did some Christmas shopping; made pumpkin muffins; watched Phil The Amazing Race, a whole lot of Buffy and some cupcake girls; reminded myself again that I do not need to open a bakery/bookstore; did laundry; made the bed; put the clean clothes, unfolded, on the floor and ignored them; went to the grocery store; watched vlamidala run a marathon via Twitter; made cowboy steak; ate potato chips for breakfast; skipped lunch (twice); killed a fly (of the lethargic, ginormous, late fall variety); and slept a lot, but still not enough.

What did you do?
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