(no subject)

Mar 03, 2010 08:36

This is embarrassing, but it cannot be gainsaid: EA Sports Active has kicked my ass.

luminousmarble got a Wii for her birthday, and I've sort of been poking at it a bit. Wii Sports is kind of fun and kind of silly. That new Mario game is definitely silly, but also hilarious. And I've been watching Marbles do this EA Sports Active cross-training game, and thinking maybe it might be a good supplement to running. A little strength training, a couple hundred calories burned, nothing too taxing, certainly nothing that makes me walk like an old woman for two days.

Marbles, you see, has the sense to put this on the easy version.

I, on the other hand, looked at the easy version and though, "Psh, that's cake." You know what, though? There isn't a medium version unless, it seems, you want to take the challenges. (I don't. Supplement to running, not substitute for running.) Bring on the hard version, baby.

EA, 1: Amy, 0. The cardio was minimal, the upper body stuff was way too easy (I need a better resistance band), but the squats may well be the death of me. I don't do squats, you see, because I hate them. I hate them because I suck at them. And...yeah, I suck at them because I don't do them. And now everything huuuuuuurts. Wah.

Which pretty much means, if you have a Wii, EA Sports Active is a real work-out, not a pretend work-out like Wii Sports. I would not have expected it of a video game, but it is true.

In other news:

1. Amazing Race is back and I am gleeful and also quite solidly Team Cowboy. And also quite solidly not Team I-Can't-Tell-China-from-Chile or Team I-Told-My-Girlfriend-to-Lose-Weight-on-National-Television, which may well be the same team; I can't tell those blonde girls apart.

2. Jeopardy! had a contestant on this week who reminded me so strongly of Cheryl Klein and Kristin Cashore that it was like they had a girl-baby who grew up to be brilliant at trivia. And then she, tragically, lost to a neckbeard.

3. I'm also catching up on Stephen Colbert's Olympic coverage, and I must say that he and Shaun White together will suck anything interesting out of a room in about two minutes, but I do like that Shaun White, in response to Colbert's "You're judged. The figure skaters are judged. Why don't you cry at the end? What do you think they're thinking?", said "Wow, I wore this outfit and I still lost."

4. lessthanpie has made me crave maple cream cookies (and also Windmill cookies, which seem to be another delicacy that I can get in Michigan and NOWHERE ELSE). I can, however, have great revenge by having my family send some along and then GLOATING ABOUT IT EARLY AND OFTEN. (Also, watching Canada makes me miss the upper Midwest. I apparently am in need of a puppy and a canoe and overly nice people. Thanks, Canada.)

5. Are cupcakes a universally appreciated thank-you gift? Or are there people out there who dislike cupcakes to the point where such a gift would sit, unopened and rotting, until discarded? THINK OF THE POOR CUPCAKES!

Also, it is still Sirens programming time, so come brainstorm with me. I'm happy to tell you what to submit!
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