Sirens Supporting Registrations

Aug 18, 2009 14:20


The last day to register for Sirens, my friends, is September 1, which is a mere two weeks away. Two weeks! Surely, you do not want to pass up this opportunity to hang out in some mountains and talk about chicks with swords.

But! If you cannot make it to Sirens, and you’d still like to support our mission to provide a cozy place for folks to discuss women in fantasy literature and make sure that we can offer Sirens for years to come - after all, you can’t possibly think that this will just happen ad infinitum without your support, can you? - I have good news for you!

Sirens is now offering supporting registrations. Now, you may ask, “What the devil is a supporting registration?”

Let me tell you. For the low, low price of $45, you can both support our mission and future conferences and receive a bit of Sirens in your very own home. (Or alternately, buy one in someone else’s name, so they have the pleasure of supporting Sirens and receiving a bit of the conference in their very own home.) $35 of that amount is eligible for tax deduction in the United States; the remaining $10 covers the cost of buying you a Sirens 2009 program book and mailing it to you. So you may weep over what you missed. So you may celebrate the focus we’re bringing to women in fantasy literature.

Sirens, it turns out, is the sort of mission conference that needs support of folks who cannot attend, but believe in what it is, and I’m really excited that we’ve come up with a way for you to provide that support that also allows us to give a piece of the conference back to you. If you aren’t able to make it to Sirens this year, but this conference and what it means are important to you, please consider purchasing a supporting registration, or perhaps surprising a friend or family member with one.

And we hope to see you next year!


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