Nov 18, 2005 00:34
Lesse…nothing really to update about; I got kinda frustrated because it seems that when I have plenty of free time I spend it all doing useless things. Such as this afternoon: 3 hours of independence and thought I should’ve spent it at least running the vacuum all I did was unwind my playstation controller and threw all my time into a game. Even though playing games does give me immense satisfaction it seems to me like I could’ve taken the time to help out around the house. I guess working as a cleaning lady three days a week keeps me from noticing the need to clean at the home. Other times I’ve cleaned it takes only an hour or so before my family destroys it again…unless you consider my father. He’s the one who started my neat freakishness and does very little to disturb my great efforts. My Mother and Brother? Not so sensitive to my labor. Within 5 minutes of them entering a room the placemats are off-center, the remote is left in some obscure corner of the room, the television is left blasting on high volume, and magazines/toys/CDs are strewn every which way.
It’s maddening I tell you!
Speaking of my Father was taken into the clinic last week or so for his first visit to the doctor in 7 years. Yah…he doesn’t like the doctor. I’m aware that he went into testing for lung, pancreatic, and testicular cancer along with a heart disease check but I remain aloof of their results. It’s not in my nature to prod into things that aren’t any of my business; my Father is a private man and will tell me of his predicament in all due time. However I am pretty certain that lung cancer is an issue since a human cannot cough so violently for so long (not to mention the blood we find ever-so-often after such spells) and not have respiratory problems. But save your pity ^_^ I live in a happy home and time with my family is still wonderful. For now we are blissful…no use in mourning over events that have yet to arrive.
I ran out of my medication a couple of days ago and this cold weather is getting to be painful. My thyroid is still irregular and can’t produce natural body heat so without my prescription my temperature will drop rapidly, causing my joints to lock and ache. So I have to get the refilled tomorrow -nods-
And I guess that’s it? I watched Skeleton Key with Marle tonight and it was really good! I recommend it…though trying to summarize the movie will give you a headache. It had a nice plot and a clever twist at the end; I was glad it wasn’t one of those “ooga booga” movies where you have more heart attacks than scene appreciation. Hope everyone had a good day! Bye bye!