Nov 13, 2005 20:07
In the last month have you...
1. Had sex: No.
2. Bought something: I believe I buy something almost daily o.x
3. Gotten sick: Nothing too bad.
4. Sang: By myself?
5. Been kissed: No.
7. Felt stupid: Pretty normal occurance.
8. Talked to an ex: Yeah.
9. Missed someone: In some form or another.
10. Got drunk: Not my thing.
11. Gotten high: Still not my thing.
12. Danced crazy: Haven't done that since Marle's Mom got me xDD
13. Gotten your hair cut: Nah. It needs trimming though.
14. Watched cartoons: Every day x3
15. Lied: Yeah.
Last person who....
1. Slept in your bed: Me and my house shoes.
2. Saw you cry: Dillon.I'm not a public crier.
3. Made you cry: RP xD I get so attached.
4. Went to the movies with: Lovie!
5. You went to the mall with: My Mom I think o.O
7. You went to dinner with: Marle and Seth
8. You talked on the phone with: Mom; Running me on errands as usual.
9. Said 'I love you' to you: Mom.
10. Broke your heart: Not sure. It's been years.
11. Made you laugh: Marle.
12. Bought you something: My Mom bought my some M&Ms =D
13. Hugged you: Mom.
14. Made you mad: Brother. All his goofy friends got to come over even though he's grounded. I never got to do that >.>
Have You Ever...
1. Said "I Love You" and meant it: Yes
2. Got in a fight with your pet: Sometimes I feel like ripping off his cute little head =D
3. Been to California: No.
4. Been to Mexico: No.
5. Been to China: No.
6. Been to Canada: No.
7. Been to Europe: No again.
8. Wished you were the opposite sex: Only if I good be Japanese with long black hair O.O
9. Snuck out of your house: Psht. It's like Fort Knox over here.
10. Gave money to a homeless person: Never was allowed to xD
11. Surfed: I boogy-boarded my way right into a fishing pier x_x