Dec 11, 2004 07:13
Blegh! I had intended this weekend to be a period of "catching up" so to speak, but instead of getting rested to prepare for the final week of school before Christmas Break I'm being assaulted by germs.
Yes. I, Emily, have caught yet another cold.
Last night I tried going to bed at around 2 because I knew that I was going to have to get up at 9 anyway to volunteer at Santa's Village, but every time I laid my head back I would start coughing and my nose would clog so I'd nearly choke to death. (I know this is SO glamorous) So finally I got into a kind of half sleep where I woke up every 10 freaking minutes. I slept on an off for about an hour...maybe an extra 30 minutes somewhere in there. Then I woke up for the billionth time with Dillon sitting on my chest and licking my face because he wanted outside. ~_~ I just said screw it and got up. Then the draining from standing up followed and I hacked'wheezed my way to the frigid barren outside before finding refuge in the house.
I was in a crappy mood because I loathe being sick, but I decided to turn on the Christmas lights outside and on the tree, then relaxed watching the little village on the table and all it's merry glory xD I'm such a dork. Christmas is soothing's truely my favorite holiday. It's definately the most decorated one. Then I turned off the village (but I left the other lights on just cause I felt like it) and poured me a huge glass of sweet tea, popped some medicine, and cleaned my room. Once more I prove myself as a dork by taking pleasure in cleaning. I'd tackle the aquarium because God knows it needs a cleaning ["Mother's job"] but I just don't have the energy.
Now I have to look forward to volunteering at Santa's Village in about 3 hours just to stand at the door. Then I have to quit that 30 minutes before scheduled and sort through the giant pile of cans for the needy. I'm supposed to go to Hwag's Christmas Party...but I honestly don't think I'm up to it. And is it polite to go and spread germs since I'll be eating there? I don't think so. But I'll see how I feel later today ^_^ Maybe if I don't go I can rest some tonight, but if Brett pops over then I'll start PotC since he promised that if I was sick or quadraplegic that he'd come over and watch it with me. Only if he feels like hanging out with a sick person though.
I _finally_ got all of my RPG posts caught up to -relieved-
I better go now! Bye bye! -snugs all-