Thank god I'm not Irish

Feb 23, 2008 22:59

Out of all the frustrating crap that Ireland has to offer this very much takes the biscuit.

image Click to view

Considering this has been voted as Irelands song for Eurovision this year I can only imagine that the other nominees must have been bad beyond belief, but my gut tells me that very probably voters have ignored any elements of songwriting talent or tune in favour of an extremely tacky gimmick.

I found dustin the Turkey funny for about five minutes a decade ago. Now I seriously wish someone would take him out to the shed and put two barrels through his scraggy head. Possibly blowing off the hand of the fuckwit operating this overdone tack.

Then they should put that on YouTube.

As camp and shameless as Eurovision is this song is just taking the piss. And not in a way that's even remotely clever or funny.

If I had an irish passport I'd burn it in protest.


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