Moving On

Dec 01, 2013 17:28

Dearest friend,

Thanksgiving is over. A few days ago. I don't think we had any carrots, but I doubt you would have missed them. It was a pretty big dinner; all kinds of stuff. You would have gotten your fill, trust me.

Now that Thanksgiving is over, Mom's been putting up the Christmas stuff. I waited until she was done, then pulled out the container with my tree and ornaments and all the rest of my Christmas stuff. It took me a few seconds before I took the lid off. I could feel the magic, how special it all is, the tree I bought 16 years ago and still use, and all the ornaments so many people sent me that Christmas, both homemade and store-bought, all of them so special to me still.

Your stocking was right on top. I should get rid of it. It's been five years now. I can't. Maybe your memories are all I have, but those memories mean so much to me. I still love you. I hope you know that. Wherever you are now, I hope you still remember me. I know you'll never get to read this, but maybe the feeling will get to you.

I don't know if I'll put your stocking up this year. I always have. I know you're gone, but I put it up anyway. Maybe this year I won't. Maybe it's time to move on. I don't want to move on. I miss you. But maybe it's time to.

If I don't put up your stocking this year, please don't take it personally. I still love you. I always will. But you moved on. You continued on your journey, to the next place you're supposed to be. It's time for me to do the same. I'm sorry. Thank you for taking time out of your journey to spend a few years with me. Wherever you are now, I hope you're as happy as you made me.

I miss you.

I still love you. I still love you.
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