Not that impressed with the last book

Aug 13, 2013 14:21

      I'm finally reading the last (to me anyway) Left Behind book, Glorious Appearing and I'm sorry but most of this just seems like filler to me. While waiting for Jesus to appear numerous people keep quoting scripture, or asking someone else to explain the scripture of when Jesus appears. Then Jesus finally shows up and he does nothing but describe himself for what seems like forever. I am this. I am that. I am this other thing. And he calls each and every person by name personally and they are completely overwhelmed. But all he's doing so far is just describing himself. "Rayford, I am the king foretold in the scripture. I am great and awesome." And Rayford is crying because Jesus used his name, like he was speaking to Rayford specifically while talking himself up. I skipped quite a bit of this book. All the scripture-quoting, because I've read enough of it in book one, book two, book three, four, five, six, etc. If I'm reading this book, chances are *very good* that I've read the first 11 books. I don't need the same stuff repeated yet again. Especially because it doesn't really feel like story. It feels like the authors are trying to come up with something to put in the book so Jesus shows up on page 203 instead of page 45.

This is my least favorite book in the series. Not because of any "Jesus wouldn't do that or be like that" type feelings. Just because of how much of it is not story but just scripture/scripture-explantion so that they can make it the same size as the other books. I mean, seriously. You're doing nothing. You don't have jobs anymore. You basically sit around and read your bibles, waiting for the Glorious Appearing. So you study the scripture all the time. After years of this, are you really still going to need the scripture of the Glorious Appearing explained again?
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