Small doings!

Oct 04, 2013 14:28

Now for something REALLY current!

I'm having another hat party tomorrow~ I think I've mentioned them before. They're awesome.

Anyway, so one of the types of hats we like to make, are Star Trek. And I kept saying how I needed to make myself one too. So
1ucifer cut me out one (or maybe Bryan, but I think her) in March... 2012... and I decided to make it (FINALLY), as a sample!

So put that together Wed night :D

The fleece makes my badge look wibbly, but it's not really. But then I remembered, I like to do my hat bands a little differently when it's for myself (Uhm, basically I don't finish them properly, so it's not like I do it nicer for myself, actually the opposite) so I had to do another sample~!

(Why do I look so drugged out? ;_;)

Never mind me. Dinohat! I want one! (boo, I want most of the hats we make 8D)

And in not fleece, a costume I'm working on for a masquerade in November:

So, yes, actually current things :D
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