A week in the life (continueing the fine tradition of sort of)

Nov 29, 2012 12:29

Misplaced my camera when I took it to my grandparents for the holidays (it had fallen out of my bag and was in my trunk, found it today after thoroughly emptying my bags, yay).

Also, I don't think I ever cross posted, but I did write up a hat tutorial!
It's here!

Go forth and hat! Preferably make a few to donate~

Anyway, pics from the hat party and such can be found there. And they totally count as part of my photo-a-day (kindasortamaybe).

So yeah.

A bunny that lives in the park where I walk my dog. There's about 4 of them.

They actually originally had this really lovely red hue to the hulls, but I kept forgetting to get a picture of it :/

So as I was browsing links via pinterest, as you do, I found this one blog which I can't remember what it was or what I was looking at buuut, she made a promise to herself to make something every day. Hardcore. I can't do that, but I thought it was a really good idea and am going to make a thing a week.
So I made this lady bug potholder/oven mitt, got the idea from a butterfly one I saw a pic of (but due to the shape it honestly looked a little awkward to put your hand in?).
That was two weeks ago, last week I made something for
mollypocket for xmas, testing testing Molly are you reading? 'Cause if not Imma post it.


Drove my dog to my grandparents for the first time! It's about a two hour drive. He's actually been there before when he was a puppy 13 years ago, and he threw up so we just thought he gets carsick and didn't take him anymore. But he was okay, nervous and needy though. He wanted to sit on my lap but after awhile that gets sort of uncomfortable while driving.

And hoping we'll drop something at Thanksgiving 8D

a week in the life, thing a week

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