25 at 25

Mar 01, 2012 21:32

So I was a bit depressed at this birthday, so I made this list of 25 things I've accomplished or am proud of.

Uhm. Most of them are quite geeky and not really accomplishments at all. But whatevs! That's how I roll!

In roughly chronological order.

1. I've been to England. But I couldn't find any pics w/ me in them 8D

2. I've been to Japan:

3. ..... 5 times

4. India

5. Malaysia

6. Singapore

7. I graduated college in the top 10% of my class

8. I saw Gackt live in Japan 8D;;;;

9. I have made over 200 costumes

10. Have been to the Grand Canyon.

11. Know conversational Arabic, Spanish, Japanese, and Latin (Latin totally counts).

12. Have met 5 of the 8 living Doctors

13. Played piano for 15 years.

14. Represented my government in a foreign country @.@

15. Have been on TV several times (tbh, I don't feel that's much of an accomplishment, but I'm running out of things >.>;;)

16. Am on Matt Smith's phone

17. Taught myself tailoring.

18. Was touched by Katy Manning 8D

19. Was linked to on Neil Gaiman's journal Okay, well, my costume group.

20. I have been spazzed over by Paul Cornell

21. Have read over 800 books, that I can remember.

22. Have taught someone to read.

23. Jumped out of a perfectly acceptable plane

24. Beat cancer.

With a stick.

To a pulp.

25. Basically I'm awesome.

And totally unrelated, this song has been stuck in my head since I first heard it about a month ago:

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