
Jun 21, 2010 20:00

First off, I've been gone since Friday, so I dunno that I'll catch up on the flist 'cause I'm super tired ;_;
Anything exciting happen to you lot this weekend?
Anything terribly dull?
I wanna know!

I had a great weekend! Spent eating lots and lots of strawberries, reading, and having a Project Runway marathon with my grandparents, 'cause they're awesome.

But laaast weekend was really nice too!

Saturday I got up and sewed, I'll post a picture I took of my progress later, with the hair cut pic I took.
And then I gave my doggy a bath, aaaw, I should have taken a picture.
And then.

I went to the beach with my bff

A lizard~~ on rocks.
It was neat okay. I like lizards.

Not that you can tell, but this is the edge of a 15-20' drop

lunaticneko's "Bring me that Horizon" pose

I countered with my "I'm a geek on the beach!" pose

I like rocks.

Oh snap it's the Little Mermaid.
Which is quite sad considering right after I took this we stomped on all the sea foam XD

I don't know what this was from. But I thought it was neat.

This is my Doctor Who Action pose.
Because we were on an adventure.

It was prettyyyyy

The sun was starting to go down, hence the orange.

We didn't mean to stay so long.
But we did.
Because it was awesome.

Please sir, I'd like some more.

beach, life

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