Progress~ Project COR

Aug 08, 2009 23:41

So, in India, I really missed sewing.
So I've been sewing. Sort of. My machine is getting serviced, as she's long overdue, so I'm only doing things which can be done on my serger.

Project COR~ Did three of these, they're just tshirts I switched out the sleeves on, changed the collar, and made that cute little bias trim on the edges of the sleeves.

My dooooog, so cute

So last weekend (I got in Friday afternoon) I spent cleaning~ And since this is the cleanest my sewing area's been in... a long time, I took a picture:

I highly doubt it will be that clean any time in the near future.

Righto, project COR!

The last to show how long the sleeves are.

And what I've done today~

This is Angel, from The Plucker.
Started and aaaalmost finished today.
No reference pic, because those that know it will see I'm taking some liberties.
The book is set at night, so it's mostly blue/cool lighting, so much so that if it weren't for one pic, you'd think the dress was blue. But I liked the blue, so I've got a blue layer under this light weight white. Then I decided not enough blue, so the skirt part is split in three overlapping panels. Sash featured is a standin sash. I'll either embroider or bead her sash, depending on what materials I have. Oh yeah, I'm trying to use up my stash, so trying to buy anything.

Lessee, also worked on, and mostly finished... Wake Daniel, from The Sandman - toga version, and River Tam, from Firefly - Safe version.

It's been a sewing filled week 8D


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