So I went to edit some Fanime photos... and realized I never edited the non-outtake pics from our Utena Rose Garden shoot.
Weeeell, we have so many fab pics, I'm not even going to be able to post them all right now.
Here's a photo I posted already, but the rest all shiny and new :D
My lovely pink princess, Utena, is
lunaticnekoThe surly green skittle, Saionji, is
kiralikescakeAnd that fine specimen of a dashing prince, Dios, is me 8D;;;
This thumbnail? No correction whatsoever, just cropping and resizing. The lighting was that lovely.
Like ALL of the twirling pictures came out, SO ADORABLE, but those two I think are my favourites.
More later, 'cause there is more.
That garden was just lovely, I'm so glad we went.
You guuuuys, I want a big Utena group~~
I love it sooo much I'd be anyone in order to get a full group (except for TV/Manga version Anthy).
C'mon, let's do it.