Gallifrey One - report, the condensed version (just add water!)

Feb 17, 2009 16:17

Oh man, I don't think there's any con I crash more after. And usually by the end of cons I'm like "Ugh, people, get me out of here before I start randomly killing them -_-"

But with this con! No! It's much more Waaaah, I miss y'all D:



-Slept through the alarm
-Drove down with kiralikescake (by which I mean I tried in vain to be entertaining to make up for not-being-able-to-drive)
-Had SNOWING on the grape vine (this is a big deal, it's been 5 years or so since I've been in falling snow)
-Met up with the fabulous 1ucifer and 13thdoctor
-Shalka times! 1ucifer was AMAZING and grabbed Mr. Paul Cornell for a picture with us
-I died
-I regenerated, but died again when I saw the pic
-Curse of the Fatal Death group! WAS A BLAST


-Pics w/ the actors <3
-Giving Collin Baker the Valentines card (I really can't believe he hadn't gotten any others!)
-PICTURE with Collin Baker
-Guest appearance by silvernaofficer
-Being blinded by sparkles


-Relaxing with friends <3

I did not bring a camera, so all the pics are on 1ucifer's and kiralikescake's cameras. EXCEPT THESE.
silvernaofficer came by on Sat and was obligingly our Jack. She took these fab pics which I've just ganked from her post for all y'all not on her flist.

master, gallifrey, doctor who

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