This thumbnail is deceptive, as it features both of us. I really didn't like many of the pics w/ me in them, so it's mostly
kiralikescake being sexy.
There's a lot of sexy. Not dial up friendly.
Also not much commentary... 'cause it's a public post >D;;;
First, in honour of RTD, we have....
But seriously.
Is that a mole?
Gratuitous lining shot
I love this one. It wasn't a pose 8D
Did I mention it travels in time? ^.~
Mmm... McDonalds
This look is also not a pose XD This is the "wtf you talking about Mi -_-" look
I love it.
My socks 8D;;;;
Possibly my favourite
My Nine costume. Rose was tossed together, I had everything but the jacket, which I bought at the thrift store same day. I have to think on if I'll wear it again, as I'll mod it if I do.
The end?