AX - Monday

Jul 13, 2006 11:30

The best day!
I was filled with excitment for this day since Day One. Since before Day One. Since silvernaofficer said she would be my Seishirou.
The day was just made even more special when we decided to do Blade of the Immortal on the same day.

Good Day.
Lots of excitement for this day.

The best part was lunaticneko and evanae~ Anotsu and Magatsu is neat beans yeah, but YAAAY Makie and Hyakurin.

This pic shamelessly ganked from... pikacello? This was right out of the elevators.

The saddest thing about this for mi, was Uuuuuuh, I need to work on my posing again 'cause yeah, womanly.

Man I don't even look that girly in girl clothes.

Bringing in the Makie, or just not paying attention which is typical of mi:

So many of that shot because OMG that was hard to hold for mi. That ax thing is HEAVY. And not dropping it on him was... difficult.

So we went to the dealers room. Bought stuff. Hung out. Went out to eat w/ iamradar, with crazy people staring. And Preacher talk. Yay Preacher talk.
Then when we got back changing!
Not that I don't love the BotI action (read it!), but S/S 8D

This actually took awhile 'cause of ironing everything. But it was so worth it ;_; <-tears of joy.

So, since we've both uploaded pics already, I'll just link them. Titles are as titled XD My titles are X and TB quotes 8D

Just An Object

Pebble in your shoe

If I told you would you kill me?

The World is mine <-LOVE that one

The Sakurazukamori

ill at heart

This is why I stopped updating the X filter.
Do not think mi jesting when I say, I thought about every single stitch in detail.

I figured no one needs to know about that level of obsession dedication >.>

So here are some of my favourite bits:

The sash:

This sash is wrong. The tassles things at the bottom should be longer, I couldn't find anything longer that would look good w/ it. Sadness. The other "mistake" is the number of sakura petals. I changed the number... so it would be 13. Symbolism 8D

Anyway, I like that portion. Because the red circle and sakura on the robe is appliqued. On the sash, the star and circle is hand embroidered, the sakura is painted, and the lines are trim.

But this is my favourite part:

Not sure if you can make it out. There is a black sakura appliqued. The star is embroidered, and the red is ribbon stitched down. It doesn't show in any pic but this one, and you can barely see it, but I love it the best. It's on the back of the sleeves and the back of the robe.

Patterning wise there's a lot I could say about Sei.
But that's boring XD

Subbi was easier, being that his is actually real.
The only thing of note on him is the embroidery on the back:

This actually is from his TB robes, the symbol in the centre, "om" or "on" is not on his X robes, but I like it.
But my favourite thing on Subbi is....the tassles. I don't have a clear shot of them. But it was my first time making tassles. And I LOVE them. Especially w/ the square knots. Because I braided the cording, so it matches perfectly w/ the tassles.

Okay I'll shut up now.

Con Summary next report...

cosplay, seishirou, ax, con report, x, subaru

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