
Feb 13, 2006 13:58

Ooookays. Wondercon.
It was great~~~
There was some cosplay confusion Thursday evening, as mi and silvernaofficer discovered the Vertigo panel was Friday, and tried to get ahold of astrokittie to inform her of our change in schedule. But it worked out, and Friday we all went as Daniel, Gabriel Desire Corinthian, and Morpheus.

And taken by Bonnie:

We were so white.

I did more stuff which is completely un-noticable to Danny. Yay. Bleeeeeh, I need to change something about that costume, I look so pregnant. Not wearing him again until I feel less.... wide 8D

Sat! Got there nice and early to get tix for the V for Vendetta screening. Mmmm, that was a mighty fine movie man.
Blade of the Immortal this day, so much leg @.@

Christophe got some greeeat pics, but I haven't gotten them yet, and I'm having camera issues -_-

And last day we kimono-ed it up. But I have no pics.
More later.

PS ~ Congrats to all you masq winnahs.

Edit~ Hey silvernaofficer and astrokittie do you mind if I post Sandyman pics over at _sandman?

sandman, anotsu, wondercon

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