Mar 21, 2007 11:44
*snortlaugh* ..... no comment on something I'm not supposed to comment on....he told me not to...he told me not I won't.....=X =X =X
Went to TJ's band practice last night. They really aren't bad!....they fit nicely into my style. Miss Kait wasn't half as bad as I expected her to be - she's a bitch, but I know why, and she's less of a threat now, I'll tell you that - and the boys made me laugh. It was really cool. I'd put up the videos but I'm lazy.
I'm sitting in here wondering how I'm going to get this right. I want a Wii. I cannot afford one, at least now. Gamecubes are worth like, 15 bucks on, in perfect condition (sad, huh?)....but TJ and I have two. But I don't want to play my Twilight Princess game all the way through without Wii has to be so much damn cooler on Wii it's driving me mad.
Technically I could afford it. Technically. But how technical do I want to get? =X
I should talk to TJ about this. He's pretty good at dorky things like this...but he's not good with money. But he probably has a side of this I'm not seeing.
Oh, and you know how girls get paranoid about their guys [or girls!] cheating on them and stuff? Well that got brought up one night and he just said, "Unhappy people cheat. It's when people are unhappy. I'm not unhappy."
Which, is true, you know? They're NOT unhappy with the other person, did you ever notice that? They're unhappy with the choices they made. It weirded me out when he said that. I love TJ but damn, he doesn't say things like that very often. He's actually surprised me multiple times lately....yay!
Why is there cat fur all over the keyboard?! Maybe I should clean it....ewwww gross. Damnit, Lightning...
Hiram is paying for my entire tuition. AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I don't have to work after summer. THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME. I was so worried about it, you know? I thought I was going to have to pay 10k or something like that out of pocket without any loans or something but nooooo I rock. :D 34k! 34,000! BYEBYE!