Who: John Egbert, Vriska Serket, Rose Lalonde, Tavros Nitram
When: After rooms have been discovered, and clothing has been located.
Where: Recreation room.
What: A bunch of online friends meet in person!
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
There is a boy in (awesome) pajamas peeking down the hallway. )
But none of that really mattered. She really would have poked fun at him had she known he'd been worrying over what to do just then. She was just about to ask if a fierce felinebeast had caught his tongue, but fortunately, that wasn't necessary.
"So do you," she finally answered, managing a smile. "I've got to say, I feel pretty lucky, getting to meet you. And sooner than I'd thought!"
Even though having everyone (well, not everyone, he thought sadly) here was making him kind of jumpy, it was really reassuring. Now he could just be nervous about dumb stuff, like was Rose going to be just like she was online? Was Vriska poisonous? Would they watch any Nic Cage films with him? Well, actually, he probably knew the answer to that last one.
"You always feel pretty lucky," he said, and waved both his hands at her as if to blow away the doubt that Vriska could be anything but lucky. "Now I can be lucky by association,
Unfortunately, it also took him a moment to build up the nerve to confront her again. He had to remind himself of all of the horrible things she said, and did, and said that she did, even if she said it was really for everyone's good. And he had to remind himself that he had lots of confidence now, even if it was fake confidence, and he would probably certainly be successful.
So mentally equipped, he summoned his lance and followed the Hero of Light into the room.
"Vriska, now that I found you, and we are both prepared, again, it's time for me to stop you, heroically, from doing more bad things."
Vriska tossed her hair back, shrugging her shoulders. "I mean, I haven't even done anything that merits it. And if you haven't noticed? This isn't our universe, so whatever I might have been plotting or scheming about is now a completely moot point."
She waved a hand again, in a sweeping gesture towards John and Rose. "It's not their universe, either, as far as I'm aware. Given that, I think it would be in your best interest to put the lance away now before you accidentally run someone through with it."
With that said, she turned, inspecting Rose. "TT, I presume? A pleasure to make your acquaintance." Any semblance her grin had towards that of a spider? Purely coincidental, this time.
She hummed a bit as she watched the gears in Rose's head turning, letting her own begin whirring to life. Sure, there was a lot of stuff that could be blamed on the humans, but Vriska didn't think this was one of those things.
One person - or troll, or whatever he was - floated to the forefront of her mind. That guy. The one who constantly irritated her, not least for making her highlight everything he typed. What a jerk.
"Has anyone else talked to a strange guy who only used white text? He said some pretty weird stuff to me. I'm willing to bet this is somehow his fault, given he pretty much stated omniscience and implied omnipotence. Unless someone has a better idea?"
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