[Tieria is on the bridge, his body sitting relaxed on a chair and his fingers are moving quickly on the keypad even as he speaks.
His eyes, however, are the very image of
If anyone see any mention of the Methaus Nash anywhere, please speak up immediately. This is related to the ship's self repair systems.
[One of Tieria hands move as to cut off the video feed then pauses as in the background,
this flickers across one of the screens in front of Tieria.]
One more thing. I'm sure most of you have seen a message across various computer screens throughout the ship repeating this line of text:computing power required for launch. As far as I am aware, I am the only one currently awake and on board who has been in depth into the ship's systems. This message is NOT something I have activated nor does it seem part of the ship's original coding. If this is something you've activated, OR YOU HAVE RECENTLY ADDED OR UPLOADED [Tieria's tone should tell you which he thinks is more likely.] I expect you to come clean with exactly what is it you've done.