[Public | Video/Action ]

Jun 23, 2011 21:22

[Tieria is on the bridge, his body sitting relaxed on a chair and his fingers are moving quickly on the keypad even as he speaks.

His eyes, however, are the very image of this.]

If anyone see any mention of the Methaus Nash anywhere, please speak up immediately. This is related to the ship's self repair systems.

[One of Tieria hands move as to cut off the video feed then pauses as in the background, this flickers across one of the screens in front of Tieria.]

One more thing. I'm sure most of you have seen a message across various computer screens throughout the ship repeating this line of text:computing power required for launch. As far as I am aware, I am the only one currently awake and on board who has been in depth into the ship's systems. This message is NOT something I have activated nor does it seem part of the ship's original coding. If this is something you've activated, OR YOU HAVE RECENTLY ADDED OR UPLOADED [Tieria's tone should tell you which he thinks is more likely.] I expect you to come clean with exactly what is it you've done.

rose lalonde, †DAY 02, *tieria erde, chell

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