Warning: Main warning and announcement systems damaged. All previous warnings still apply_
Countdown initiated
As stated, all previous warnings still apply.
Previously un-noted was that all previous suggestions, such as not causing undue stress on the present bio-scrubber systems, should have also been noted and followed. Unauthorized objects found within the ventilation systems continue to disrupt the systems, and an increase in bio-scrubber density aboard the ship means a change in chemical and power levels. Increased density leads to faster breakdown of materials, allowing any found foreign substances to permeate the atmosphere within the Pradeda. Please do not let any foreign substance enter the confined ventilation areas again, or proper discipline will need to be taken.
Foreign substances, including invasive computerized programs, should not only be kept out of the ventilation systems, but the entirety of the Pradeda. Everything aboard has been calculated to best fit the required living conditions, and any tampering will cause these conditions to be changed. The current invasive computerized program found within the main systems has been isolated to communications. Please do not tamper with computerized systems or files. Please do not try to access any files without proper clearance.
The main computers are still experiencing some maintenance issues, but please do not panic. These systems are now self-repairing. As the Engineering Efficiency Programs are ONLINE, it is estimated that all major structural and technical damage to the Pradeda will be fixed within the next few days. Other areas within the confines of the ship itself will need to be fixed manually.
Thank you for your contributions aboard the Pradeda, and please continue to live and contribute happily.
[[ More people have disappeared, though this time it’s possible to find out just what happened to one of them. There was, after all, a witness. While people continue to disappear on the ship, the cryo-chambers are still moving on to new names. While no one has come out recently, it seems as though there may be another cycle of awakenings coming in the near future.
The computer systems don’t seem any different than before, but there many be some visible new quirks. Of course, what can you really expect with two other consciousnesses running around inside of it? It’s been brought to our attention that, just maybe, the gravity on the ship will stop working for a while at some point during the day. That really isn’t the computer’s fault at all.
As well as the usual problems and quirks within the ship, if anyone cares to look out any of the windows aboard they will see something either beautiful or frightening: Star Sharks. They wont do anything but look pretty for the most part, swimming around the ship and munching on pieces of debris that are floating past and toward the singularity, but they are moving around the ship. Hmm.
Some of the rooms aboard the ship are cleaner that they were to begin with, such as the medical bay, and now some of them are in need of another cleaning, such as the cargo bay. The lab has, so far, been untouched either way it seems, other than perhaps a random explorer or two.
Sometime in the early morning,
this data file appears. It was the last file to be pulled up on the computer before all the files were either locked away or erased, and appears for only a short while during what seems to be a brief power serge before it becomes inaccessible again.
On the up side, there may be some other files to be found now, specifically pertaining to a name that had been brought up before...
The countdown numbers are still fluctuating throughout the day, seemingly randomly.
Day 6 plotting post]]