give me liberty or give me death

Feb 20, 2009 18:47

death cab for cutie concert amaaaaaaaaaaaaazing. amazing amazing. was the only one there dancing. thankfuylly geoff joined in once i started but jeeeez. so many people, awesome;outdoors. cigarettes wheeeeeeeee. some people had picnic blanekts wtf///. ben gibbards voice sooo niiiiiiiiice oooooooooooooooooooh yiiis. oh whaaa hohhhhhh. he sings ba da daa and oooh oh ohhhh and everything better than everyone. so many awesome people dressed in pretty clothing. where do they all hide because i recognised basically noooone and in a city where 6 degrees of seperation onlyu basically needs to go to three degrees, that is wack.

words. niiiice.

had fun. daaanced. saw lizzie and shaz. met a chick dressed liek cory kennedy. was good that you could taske the alcoholic beverages out of the bar area because everyone was 18+. walked into freo after, fun, bought a book called muhammed. pro-islamic, very cool. walked a bit, went into the sail and anchor - sooo nice. wanted to stay in the girls bathroom all night. beayutiful. met three american students studying and living at murdoch, the uni like a ten minute walk from my house. sweeeeeeeet. black guy called peter from ohio soooo hottttttt. one called jeff from jersey and [guy whose named i didnt hear but smiled and then felt too guilty/rude to ask] from texaaaaas [i got excited and started rambling about ducky living in temple] who studied in san diego. looove. bus home, geoff kept hogging my bed. hellooo, want to be platonic? whaaat whaaaat. fell asleep watching milk, then work at 9. drank too much coffee, but i loove how everyone at work drinks it. fridays are awesome becauser the owners shout us all coffees. i would have committed suicide at work soo long ago if not for jen. not that i dont loove my job, but jen makes it sooo much more bearable. is fun. but she wants her mighty boosh dvds b ack and i keep forgetting to watch them. my bad. im oldddd greeeg. i gotta mangiiiina. loovesit.

cannot waaait for coldplay then jacks mannequin both within like two wweeeeeks fuck yessssss!!!

missed troy and dean though =[ uncooouth uncool

ba baaaaaa [this is the sound of settling]

ba baaaaaa ba baaaaaaaaaa

both karen and teresa at work both had miscarriages. so effing pissed off. i cried about karens because i love her she is so amazing gorgeous beautiful and her husband had a brain tumor and chemo killed his sperms mobility so theyve had to go ivf and it was all good but now not good

fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu muhammed-the-prophet jesus moses buddha tom cruise oprah winfrey john edwards god and also allah
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