for the loserrrrrs out there

May 20, 2005 19:37

i hope all of you who spend your entire lives talking about me are happy. your rumors worked and you win right now. its disgusting that you feel the need to bring me up in every fucking conversation you have, its disgusting that you make up lies like this is kindergarten story time, its disgusting that you spread rumors about me, please just egt a fucking life and stay out of mine. ALL YOU DO is talk about me and think abotu me. you tell your boyfriends not to talk to me because for no reason at all you think im a slut or im a bitch. GET OVER IT. you guys are all liars, all losers, all PATHETIC. you try to destroy everything about me, you try to ruin my friendships, my relationships, yet you COPY EVERYTHING I WEAR AND SMILE IN MY FACE. for whatever reason, you may think im stupid and dont see past your bullshit, but that really shows that YOU are the stupid ones. TRUST ME, i know who my friends are and you are not them. for whatever reason you seem to ask everyone if they know me and act like we're best friends, WE ARE NOT. i know exactly who my friends are and none of you ugly girls are on the list. you can talk shit alllllll you want about bvg and the barbies because that shit is a big ass joke and its making me laug that you guys are actually taking it serious and starting some middle school beef, you guys are so pathetic. if you want to catch fade you canc all me, YOU KNOW MY NUMBER, you prank call me all the time like i dont know its you. haaaa IT IS NOTHING, i dont care if youre fucking rocking the shit you had to STEAL from me because you guys are too fucking poor to buy it yourself, YOU LOOK STUPID IN IT AND EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT YOU HAD TO DO TO GET IT. i have more than you could ever imagine and the more you steal from me, the more i get to buy you whores. i know you stupid losers think youre tough because you JACKED me when i was fucking BY MYSELF and alone and there were three or four of you but its nothing because all of you have black eyes and broken legs now, if you want to play more pussy ass games we can and everytime i WILL WIN. KEEP TALKING ABOUT ME, IT ONLY REMINDS ME HOW TIGHT I AM. GET A LIFE AND STAY OUT OF MINE

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