(no subject)

Jun 04, 2008 15:36

Fandom: D. Gray Man
Title: Diamond in the Rough
Pairing: Lenalee x Kanda, Lenalee x Lavi, Lenalee x Allen
Summary: If such a perfect innocent girl like his sister was going to be spending all her time with hormonal hoodlums like the ones in the Order, she was going to need her brother to watch out for. Which was when Komui decided... to become a ninja.
Genre: CRACK.
Notes: Started this forever ago and while I don't really know where it's going, I kind of like it. It's not going up on ffnet of course, but whatever. Enjoy?
Also, this section is short I know, because I'm too lazy to write but I've meaning to get it up. SO!

When Komui was on the job, no one touched his little sister. Not his subordinates, not an exorcist, and if he could help it, not an enemy.

Particularly if either of the above were male.

Really, it was all Lenalee’s fault for being too cute. He, of course, was her brother; he had always thought his sister was beautiful, even when she was a toddler in diapers, spitting up her food. But she had grown up since then, and Komui could not ignore the young men that dared to look at his sister with anything akin to desire.

Take Lavi, for instance.


Lenalee’s Suitor #1
Subject: “The Nickname-Loving Mallet-Wielder”
Name: Lavi (Last name unknown)
Occupation: Aspiring Bookman
Acquaintances: Allen Walker, Yuu Kanda, Bookman… and Lenalee Lee
Pros: NONE (Intelligent, excellent memory, courageous, compassionate, friendly, protective of his friends)
Cons: EVERYTHING! (Not enough respect for his elders (i.e. Bookman the “Ancient Panda”), too easy-going, very mysterious - i.e. SUSPICIOUS. HE IS GOING TO STEAL AWAY MY BABY SISTER.)



When Lavi was at HQ, he was most commonly found in the library. Komui knew this. Thus, as soon as he managed to slip away from Reever and his stacks of papers that needed signing (“I need sugar for my coffee! I’ll be back!” “Supervisor!!”), he trotted down to the large room.

As expected, Lavi sat alone at one of the tables, the surface cluttered with books, taking notes and nodding every so often.

Humming to himself, pleased that he could get his self-appointed mission over with so soon, Komui emerged from behind a bookshelf, heading towards Lavi’s table…

Only to discover that the redhead wasn’t as alone as he had first thought.

“Here you go,” Lenalee said, plunking down a steaming mug in front of Lavi. He looked up, startled; he had been as unaware of the girl’s presence as her brother (who, upon seeing Lenalee, had hidden behind the bookshelves again, peering around the corner carefully to watch them).

He reached for the bright yellow mug of coffee, smiling gratefully up at her. “Thanks.” He took a long sip. “Mmm, I needed that.”

Lenalee sat herself in the chair across from him, regarding him carefully. “You look exhausted. What are you doing?”

Lavi sighed, leaning back heavily in his seat and rubbing at his uncovered eye. “The old panda wants me to read up on all accounts of Noah’s Ark. He’s hoping to find a clue about the Noah, but so far, I’m not seeing anything we don’t already know.” He rolled his head back and looked at her from under his bangs. “It’s tiring, let me tell you.”

“I can imagine,” Lenalee said sympathetically. “Can I do anything? Get you something to eat?”

Lavi shook his head. From his hiding place, Komui breathed a sigh of relief. If he had asked Lenalee for a massage, he might have had to kill him.

“I’m good, Lenalee. Thanks.”

“If you’re sure…” She looked doubtful, but didn’t press him. She stood up and leaned over the table to squeeze his shoulder briefly. “Don’t work yourself too hard. I’d better go now, but I’ll see you later. Call if you need anything, okay?”

Lavi nodded again, turning back to his thick texts. When Lenalee turned her back on him, however, his gaze lifted from the words in front of him to watch her figure leave. She didn’t notice.

But Komui did.


The Operative (KOMUI) discovered, on his observations of The Subject (LAVI), that the latter most definitely has feelings for The Beautiful, Wonderful, Lovely Sister (LENALEE). What these feelings are of - admiration, love, desire - is yet to be determined. The Operative will stop at nothing to uncover the truth.

pairing: lavilena, fic: chapter, pairing: kandalena, fandom: d gray man, pairing: allenlena, type: diamond in the rough

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