Twitter updates from the last 24 hours (from 9:00 AM CDT):
09:07 New rule: coffee shops are not allowed to be closed on Monday. noFriction, I'm looking at you.
10:08 Now coffeecoding at Star Lounge on Chicago Ave.
11:38 At some point last month the limit on my MasterCard got raised to $11,900. No, that isn't a typo. Yes, Citibank needs money JUST THAT BADLY.
14:04 Can we call today's stock market sell-off a crash yet? *Well, why the hell not?!*
15:11 Schadenfreude, Chicago style. 17:01 Lou Dobbs gets me riled up. Oh, no, not about the economy. He just makes me want to punch the shit out of Lou Dobbs.
08:05 There have been no new Twitter posts since I last peeked 90 minutes ago. Is the Fail Whale visiting or something?
08:23 There is a mass media conspiracy to make me spend all my money today, on new Jolie Holland *and* the 2nd season of 30 Rock on DVD.