Sep 19, 2008 09:05
Twitter updates from the last 24 hours (from 9:00 AM CDT):
11:15 Sometimes the Genius Bar gives you prompt, attentive, excellent service. You know, just to keep you on your toes.
13:08 Henceforth I'll be referring to Urban Fresh By Jewel as "UFBJ". Or, for short, "The Beej."
15:32 Gosh, I am *worthless* on Thursdays.
15:58 Currently exporting all my Rock Band tracks for RB2, only to discover that my guitar controller is fucked. Warranty powers- activate!
16:52 Now trying to explain that "file x is missing" means "let me talk to someone else, you twit", not "send me an outdated copy of file x."
07:17 [Angry, passive-aggressive tweet redacted.]