Meanwhile, on Twitter:

Sep 16, 2008 09:06

Twitter updates from the last 24 hours (from 9:00 AM CDT):

09:32 Today's a great day to be young, irresponsible and not at all invested in any sort of financial instruments. Related: VOTE OBAMA.

09:55 Rock Band 2 is nice, but what I really want is "Rock Band: Talking Heads, Radiohead, Low-Y'know, Just Bands David Likes Edition".

11:37 Start Genius with any song from the late 70s/80's, e.g. "More Than This" = instant 80's night. Tubular!

14:32 Three meetings down, one to go.

17:23 Feeling like David Foster Wallace was the latest casualty of that shrieking, horrifying postmodern condition he depicted so well.

18:52 Why, *of course* I'll be able to download any code or gems I need over the shitterrific coffee shop Wi-Fi when I get there! No problem! $%@!

20:49 Currently straight ballin' out of control. Aiiight? Aiight.

23:12 This bear is more than ready to hibernate.
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