Aug 25, 2008 09:02
Twitter updates from the last 24 hours (from 9:00 AM CDT):
10:52 Laptop is kernel panicking again. Oh for the love of God.
13:07 Hangover breakfast: check. Trainer workout: check. Dealing with &@$&!ing Apple and my &@$%ing laptop: next on the list.
15:50 You know, I wonder if I'd hate the Genius Bar less if these stools made my ass hurt less.
16:51 The Genius Bar needs to serve food. Either that, or I need some kind soul to bring me a nutritious meal because I haven't eaten since 10 AM.
17:41 David is a hungry, hungry bear. David is a hungry, hungry bear. David is a hungry, hungry bear.
07:45 Among my many projects for the day will be setting up a ginormous Time Machine backup volume on my network, for both Macs.