Feb 15, 2005 22:19
Alright so my computer is being a real piece of shit lately. Pretty much every time I write in here it doesn't come up... so we'll see about this time. Life's been decent lately...slowly coming out of the shitty mood i've been in. I don't have anything due this week, that makes life a little less stressful. That and the city island guys :) We partied over the weekend, did some dancing and some ridiculous things like jumping in trey's swimming pool... which was half frozen. Then we went sled riding last night..at 3 in the morning... in nothing but mud. lol it was awesome. I was so filthy, i had to shower for about 2 hours until i got it out of my hair and ears. but well worth it, i haven't had that much fun in such a long time :) i ruined my grass skirt on saturday! :( :( :( no worries, i ordered an actual grass skirt online, so no odd situations of making one as my RA walks by lol. but yes, another kettle party this thursday night, just to announce that to the general public...plenty of SKA, plenty of skyy blue. blah...what else... probably staying here the entire weekend, i have to be here for a guest speaker thursday night and a conference in D.C. saturday... maybe a show in towson, maryland sunday...we'll see how that all goes, you know how i am. i'm going to try and get some more writing done this week, hopefully that pushes this mood out completely, but for the most part i'm back to being myself again :) well i'm off to do whatever, have a good week everyone :)