Dertiende van Mei, Diensdag (13 of May 2003, Tuesday)
11.02 Hoi, Koshkatje!
I just started new boekje for You. In Sunday I went to sleep at 21.00 and in Monday slept at the day time too. Only yesterday evening I had to be in good condition for work. Before it I didn’t want to do something, because... I can not explain it exactly. You was next to me each minute of 48 hours, and suddenly - I got a feeling of full emptiness around and inside of me. Like I left You forever. But now I’m going to you again. My sails are full of wind (I would like to say so much ‘of wind of change’, but it is too high-flown).
17.20 Today was two stupid ‘all hands on deck’. Yesterday evening we had all sails and no wind, engines were working. Some sailors were waiting for avral. But avral happened in 5 o’clock at morning. Everybody was drowsy, all people worked very slowly. We took away all sails in 45 minites, but usually it lasts 15 min. And after launch, when started heavy shower, we began to furl all sails. I started to work on the higher Rhea, than came down on another Rhea and after one hour I had only one little dry place on my body - place of champignon. Before and after avral was normal dry weather. I took a hot shower, drunk a hot tea, dressed warm clothes, but I felt like steel cold ball inside of me. Only after tea at 15.30 I was getting warmer.
Today morning Kruzer met a Denmark sail ship, she sailed in the opposite direction. One trainee said that she is George Stage, but I’m not sure.
I spoke today with Kristal and her husband about me, my English, my work. They are so nice people. She has been calling him ‘Alligator’: “See you later, Alligator”.
Now we are living North Sea in front of Skagen cape and coming to Baltic/Ost Sea/Sea.
Veertiende van Mei, Woensdag (14 of May 2003, Wednesday)
16.45 I’m in radio room with Brigitte. She is looking your photos. Oh, Brigitte is so blood-thirsty. She wants to get all pictures from market with meet.
Today we passed a bridge and now I don’t have contact with radio center. I don’t know how long it will be. But I will send message to you with first possibility or even earlier.
Two days ago was a meeting of crew members with captain, who said we will go to St-Petersburg for one week, next to Kaliningrad for two days, and next according to schedule. But it is not for sure, because everything can change in any moment.
22.54 I watched football, tried to organize telephone conversation for Vlad and showed my pictures to person from trainees in one time. Today and yesterday were semifinal games in Champions League. Brigitte came yesterday after football and said to me that toilette for trainees is very dirty and can I say to charwoman about it. But charwoman was drunk (!?!?!? - it is my emotions). I told with her roommate and we went to clean toilette. After 20 minutes it was clean as a new.
I met eventually woman-doctor on Kruzenshtern (I was looking for her about 2 weeks), brought to her my nice sweater with hole and now it looks like nothing happened. Oh, I missed it warm. Here is very cold weather, and I didn’t have another sweater.
You know, in my room now is very cold like outside. I think ventilation is working very strange. I will ask ventilation man for nice climate in Kiel. Chief mate said, that for foreign people in port doesn’t matter my diploma. And after living of Kaliningrad as sailor I could work as radio operator for normal money. If new radio operator will not come, I will leave Kaliningrad as sailor and will work as real r/operator. May be, I will have good luck.
Brigitte said me that You will come to Kiel and You sent me message and gave me a kiss from you. I tried to get contact with radio center and it was with success, but without message from you. I wrote mailtje for you, but time of good connection gone. I will try tomorrow morning to send you something.
Today I nearly broke my right arm two times in time of ‘All hands on deck’ (AHOD). I heard a crackle, but my arm is ok. I have only bump on hand.
I sow three rainbows, took a picture of Misha’s megaphone (it should be nice picture) and had a not very nice excursion. Etjen* came for excursion too, and I felt, like I have exam, because he was in last summer in radio room, when I just started to speak English. I was a little bit nervous and was speaking not so well (I wrote ‘good’, but computer changed it to ‘well’).
I will go to sleep, because I can’t tell You about everything today, I will try to do it tomorrow. (I studied Dutch today and asked one question to Etjen). I’m so glad You will come to Kiel. I don’t know where we will sleep, but… We will find, I believe. I love You and I kiss you and I hug you strong. And I’m falling asleep with dreams about you.
*Этьен - поклонник Крузенштерна из Бельгии, он был на борту в том рейсе, когда я познакомился с Ирой. Наш хороший друг.
Рупор Миши Привалова, боцмана второго грота, для подачи команд на аврале.
Рупор Осова Серёги, боцмана фока.
Vijftiende van Mei, Donderdag (15 of May 2003, Thursday)
10.40 Goede morgen, Koshkatje.
No, I woke up at 7.00, but at 8.30 was sailing alarm, we set all sails. Weather is so good - sun and fresh wind. But with radio communication is not like with weather. I can do nothing. When we will come to Kaliningrad closer, I can send something, I hope.
13.19 Everyday I have been getting 4 apples and something else - grapes yesterday or pears two days ago. I can not eat it now. Though, why not? I will go to take one more.
22.37 We are the champions! Today was fantastic competition between trainee’s team, crew member’s team and three cadet’s teams of rope lugging. Oh, trainee’s team was so good, they won two times and took a third place. Every match between two teams had a three tries. If you won one try and lost second try, you need to throw lots for side of the rope. It is very important, because one side of deck is a little bit higher. And usually team was winning if it had a favourable side, because more easy to haul down. In three first matches after two tries score was 1-1, and three times I, as captain of team, won a favourable side throwing a coin and then we was more stronger. But in last game we won on each side and score was 2-0. I’m lucky with you, you know! We are lucky together! One time cadets fixed by knot them end of rope to hand-rail, but it didn’t help.
We changed time one hour forward. I will sleep one hour less. It is not enough for young growing organism, hoor*, and I’m watching a French movie about gangsters now, when is 1 o’clock. Before dinner we took in the sails, after dinner we set sails, and all evening I tried to get contact with radio center. And with success. But communication was so bed and it took long time. I sent message to You and some another cables, but I couldn’t receive 2 messages. May be, one is from You. When I’m thinking about You, I have very nice feeling inside of me and smiling face outside. Because I love You very much! I will not finish to watch movie and will go to sleep. Bye-bye, Gelievde van mij!**
*Hoor - голландское непереводимое междометие.
**Любимая Моя.
Zestiende van Mei, Vrijdag (16 of May 2003, Friday)
19.55 We arrived to Gdansk Gulf and anchored. I thought if yesterday I was in shorts and it was no cold, that today I can dress it again. I endured cold heroically before tea, but after tea I dressed jeans and sweater. When you called, I was dressed enough. I could not hear you so good on deck, and I got up on radio room. I sow that Gisella took a picture of me. But it is not main. We will have two koshka in the house!!!! I’m so happy about it. It’s a very good news. You need to take pictures of our koshkas and mail it to me when koshkas will be born. Hoor, I feel myself a father of family, I’m sorry a little bit, that I can’t look after koshkas at first time. It is very important. Therefore I want to be with you, when you will be pregnant.
Zeventinde van Mei, Zaterdag (17 of May 2003, Saturday)
20.28 I’m so tired, but I’m so happy, that I’m free now. Yesterday I asked radio center to send me all navigation warnings for May and at evening I was busy with receiving and correction all messages. Moreover doctor-women wanted to call to home twentieth time. I’m tired of her. She always needs to talk with her daughter about very important things, but all conversation she talks about nothing. And when her daughter doesn’t send cable to her, she wants to call again. Inside of me I’m ready to stifle them both, really. She called yesterday and she wanted to call today, but I said “NO - tomorrow”.
After dinner I went to flying bridge with Brigitte and tried to talk with chief mate. Before it he was so nice for one trainee, but with me not. He said: “It is not yours and my business. I can’t do something!” But I know, what we need to do. He didn’t want to listen me.*
May be, because last night one sailor was very drunk and sow hallucination (delirium tremens in medicine). Chief mate had to know about it and all sailors had meeting with him in crew mess room.
Sorry, Koshkatje, now is 21.48, I will go to sleep, because with change of time and women-doctor I couldn’t sleep enough. And after conversation with chief mate I have disagreeable feeling. You are working today in the house - good work to You.
*Одна голландская писательница (
Aafke Steenhuis) написала книгу про винджаммеры начала 20-го века и про Крузенштерн в частности, в которой использовала фотографии парусника, сделанные Ирой. Она хотела устроить презентацию книги на борту Крузера в июле в Делфзайле (Нидерланды) и попросила меня, Иру, Бригитту узнать о такой возможности. С этим мы и ходили к старпому.
Achttiende van Mei, Zondag (18 of May 2003, Sunday)
11.35 Iratje, we are going next to Svetlogorsk, where we found a lot of sun stones. 2-3 miles between Kruzer (without sails) and coast.
Today I took a old sheet in laundry, ripped it lengthways and connected two parts together. This long sheet I used as thing for washing back (mochalka, You both it for Margriet), only for satellite antenna on top of radio room. Now it is clean. Today is washing day.
23.05 I lost one more white t-shirt today. Now it is dirty blue color. We’ll be in Kiel again walking from shop to shop like in Bielefeld. “What do you think about this nice t-shirt, Kostja?” - “It’s nice, but I don’t know, It’s not what I want,....” Are you ready???
Today I told with Michael - chief navigator. He confirmed that M. Novikov said. Kruzer had some situation like this and crew officers couldn’t do something because of stupid direction in Academy. But I think, that Aafke or authorities of city need to have discussion about price logically. But russian stupid command is not logical. I would be sorry, if presentation on board will not be.
I didn’t think about names for Koshatjes, because I’m was thinking about Aafke business. I though, that we need 4 names - 2 for case of two girls-koshkas and two for case of two boys-koshkas. I’m dreaming about special names with sense, but may be it will come in time of first sight. I will think.
I was in library of Lev - he has a flowering cactus. I know that it is infrequent case and yellow flower is very nice.
Today was not so interesting. I cleaned a radio room and played funny russian PC-game. Nothing more. Now I’m wishing You sweet dreams, My Sweet Koshkatje, and going to bed with hope to watch sweet dreams about sweet You. Kiss, Kiss, Kiss.
Соревнования по перетягиванию каната (фотографировал кто-то из туристов, а мне потом фотки подарил.). Серёга Осов - судья, а я - в полосатом свитере.
Команда экипажа против команды курсантов.
Мы только что праздновали победу, валяясь по палубе.
Отдыхаем на корме.
Радуга в море.
Эти баночки (скамейки) установили только этой весной.
Матрос Саша Лесников.
Матрос Серёга Самущенков.
Боцман Миша Привалов.
Второй штурман Паша Околокулак. Он выдавал зарплату.
И пара фотографий меня, сделанных иностранными туристами.
Сумка с инструментами, ремень безопасности - сейчас опять куда-то полезу что-то ремонтировать.
На аврале моё место было на брасах.
Продолжение -
часть двадцать шестая.