Дневник с Крузенштерна, год 2002-2003. Часть двадцатая.

Jan 07, 2011 00:30

02.12.2002 Monday

Ira, first - Ik hou heel erg veel van jou*; second - I found Internet, but I can't use my diskete, and I can say about Russian Internet only by bad language! ! !  May be tomorrow I'll send you my massages. Letters on the keyboard are head down:-)))
But I promissed you.. I'll do it.
My telephone card finished so fast, I didn't wait it. But I tell you - "buy-buy Ira, kiss-kiss-kiss". Buy, Koshkatje;-)))With Love, Mishkatje.

*Ik hou heel erg veel van jou (или сокращённо IHHEVVJ) - я тебя очень сильно люблю (голл.)

03.12.2002 Tuesday

Dear Ira. You must to call me after 20.00 at Netherlands time. I'm waiting your calling. I love you so much. Kostja with love;-))

05.12.2002 Thursday

Privet, My Precious Koshka! We have last chance for my arrival to Germany till New Year, somebody in Germany (may be your mother, sister, may be Brigitte) must to get official invitation for me in City-hall, may be (I don't know where). It is special form (I have copy of invitation (Verpflichtungserklarung)), where indicates name of you (or your mother, sister etc), your adress, number of passport and information about earned income. This invitation must has a stamp. And information about me:
my name - Prachkovskiy Konstantin
date and place of birth - 03.09.1979 in Gvardeysk (Kaliningrad)
nationality Russisch
Passport # XX XX #XXXXXXX (national passport)
address Gvardeysk, Plysenko Str. 17
But I need original invitation. Invitation may be give to me by bus from Berlin to Kaliningrad. Bus has been going from Berlin to Kaliningrad every day besides Wednesday at 22.00 Germany time. Last time is in Saturday (07.12.2002). I will get invitation in Sunday's evening and at Monday I'll give my papers for getting visa. It will be ready at 21th December.
For getting Visa to Netherlands I need to go to Sankt-Petersbourg personally. Today I found information about Netherlands Embassy, and I will call to there. But, if I understand right, I need your official invitation with information about you too.
Ira, My Beloved Ira, I will come to you - in this year, may be in the next year, but i will do it. May be, Idea with bus is to much difficult or extreme, may be it is not necessary.
I will wait your call at home. I love you so much and I want to be with you. My feelings are more stronger then those words. I love you, Ira, My Koshkatje. Jouw* Mishka.

*Jouw - твой (голл.).

08.12.2002 Sunday

...My darling Ira. I just wanted to say to you I love you I love you I love you and I'm going straight to you and nothing can stop me. You are the most dear/darling/beloved my girltje, My bride, my future wife. Oh, how nice to tell you about it. I had a nice time with my friends, I will tell you about it, when I back on Kruzenshtern today, because I will be have more time then here, in the Internet-club. And I'll send you message about it tomorrow, i'm very glad the ring came back to your ringfinger. I think I will call you tomorrow, because I don't know where I will be tomorrow. Are you free at monday? I think, it will be at evening. I love you? I love you. I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1758394787382994968727278178378347 kisses to you plus one more kiss (I know it is your method, but I want to kiss you 1758394787382994968727278178378347 times). Hear you tomorrow, Mijn Lieve Koshka. Kiss-kiss-kiss:-))) Buy-Buy! Jouw Mishka and mijn Mishkatje.
...About my address for Invitation. "Kaliningrad Nevskogo str. 26-9". But, I think, would be more better, if 'postman' will call me by telephone 45-15-22 or 27-32-12, when invitation will be in Kaliningrad. We can tell about meeting or methods of getting invitation. I think, it is possible.
I love you deeply and can't wait to see you again for ooooooooonnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeee mmmmoooooonnnnnnnttttthhhhh. It will be soon. Kostja with love.

Dear Ira.
I reed your I love you information and I need to answer you.
I gave you address of my friends in Kaliningrad and numbers of telephones of my friends in Nevskogo street and Academy, where I will wait calling from 'postman'. I just called to 'DHL international', gave my telephone number in Gvardeysk, and woman said, she will call me when I love you they get letter (she said about Wednesday or Thursday). OK, I will get invitation.
Brigitte was right. Schengen-Visa I can get without invitation, but Schengen-Visa from German Embassy without invitation has a price about 500 euro. Schengen- Visa from Netherlands Embassy I can get only personally (I need to go to St- Petersburg) and only with invitation. Schengen-Visa from France Embassy I can get without invitation, but only for fix time (for example from 1.12 till 31.12 for 15 days only). But I need to go to France for stamp in my passport. I asked about Schengen-Visa from France Embassy for getting visa till New-Year, but I don't like conditions for it. I can get till New Year Schengen-Visa from Greece Embassy, but I need to go to Greece for stamp, in other case I will be have trouble for next visa to Europe. I don't wont to go to Greece or have trouble for next visa. When I get invitation from Germany, I can get Schengen-Visa from Germany Embassy now after New Year only and I need to pay about 100 euro and can go to another countries.
I cannot give my documents to two different Embassy in one time, because for it requires original passport.
I can get Schengen-Visa from Netherlands Embassy for 1, 3 months and more than 6 months for 'you will be my wife' I love you (not necessary for studying), but it requires more time (more than 4 months). In Dutch Embassy in St-Petersburg speak in Russian.
I will call to Dutch Embassy in St-Petersburg again and ask about everything. I love you and I will talk with you tonight. I will call you about telephone number. Kostja With Love.

09.12.2002 Monday

09.04 Privet, My Love.
I'm on Kruzenshtern now. I slept here alone, without Mishkatje (he is in Gvardeysk), and thought about you. We have little chance of success today, and, may be, would be more practical to send invitation by normal post, but... But we need to use all possibilities, even the most little, even the most impossible, because we trust in success, we trust in Love, we love each other. And I don't want to loose even the most little part of Love, Trust, Hope. I'm trying to do and will be try.
Right now I feel your absence so much, I miss you so badly. But I stand fast and have rage for everything to do.
OK, I'm in good order. In Saturday I went to my grandparents and made pancakes, grandmamma learned and showed and told me a lot. Now I know how to make pancakes exactly. It was so tasty, with home-made sour-cream else. I took all my pictures and pancakes and was going to ride to Kaliningrad, but I missed the bus. And I rode in the car, what I stopped by hand (there is 25 degrees of frost). I was so angry, because I lost a lot of time. But I was in time and had time for shower and change my underwear on the Kruzenshtern, because at home I don't have any wear/underwear/clothing and shower at home likes at Brigitte's house, only without you. On Kruzenshtern a shower is more better, and about shower in one's house on Dijklaan 127C in Breda (the Netherlands) I have been dreaming. In short, everything was so good. Our meeting in Kaliningrad has fixed script. Time for meeting - 18.00 near the most big supermarket in the town. Couple persons come in time. The rest are late. At 19.00 all are assembled, hug each other a lot and have a gladness so much. Next hour we have been doing shopping for food and drink. Then we ride to outskirts, where stay in house of one friend, by urban bus. My warmth head delighted everyone. In local frost it is so requisite. After bus we need to walk 20 minutes else. Then in a house all hug each other again, because everybody missed each other. Further we lay the table (every important food is fried ravioli (ravioli - I knew this name, but I thought it is something Italian, and little lumps with minced-mead wrapped in dough - it is real Russian food). I fried Russian ravioli (we call it 'pel'meny'). Then we ate and drank, play little sketch (like in theatre), told a lot and looked pictures. Everybody asked me about you and me and was so glad for us. About 5 o'clock of morning we went to sleep, bit it was so funny too - 7 persons in one room - somebody snores, somebody talk, sometimes somebody wake up and start to do something.
At morning (12.00 o'clock) we drank the tea, ate the pel'meny and then went away. I wanted to buy warmth trousers, but found nothing. I was in the Intenret-club and turned back on Kruzenshtern. Water in the port is frozen over. All in Kaliningrad is frozen. Het is heel erg veel koud*.
I tried to find work on Holland ships in the internet, but without success in the meantime. After 10 minutes I'll go to the Academy for getting of my salary and will be wait call of 'postman' - one of the numbers is telephone number of Academy. I love you, Ira, very much and I'm going to you.
Be careful on the road (Is in Netherlands the frost too?) and have a nice today and tomorrow and after tomorrow and after after tomorrow!
Kiss you a lot, hug you so long, Kostja loves Ira, see you soon, My Precious Koshka.

I hope you can open 'Word' documents and read texts of songs of Zemfira. I love you. Kostja, of course.

*Очень холодно (голл.).

10.12.2002 Tuesday

Hoi, Mijn Liefde.
Ik kan niet je versta, want je schrijf zo snel. Maar ik zal jouw brief in een huis lees. Ik hou heel erg veel van jou en ik miss je ontzettend. Liefs, Kostja en 1000 kusjes.*

*Привет, моя Любовь.
Я не могу тебя понимаю, потому что ты пишешь очень быстро. Но я твоё письмо дома прочитать. Я очень тебя люблю и очень по тебе скучаю. С любовью, Костя и 1000 поцелуев. (голл)

15.12.2002 Sunday

My Beloved Ira. I love you I love you I love you and I will don't be tired to repeat it. I have to miss you less than one month and you will be not alone naked in your big bed. I wish you good night in a House. I'm living in a House for cadets and have computer in room. I told you about Visa and I will ask about more fast getting Visa in another places tomorrow. Today some agency are working, and some agency doesn't work. I've got message from Brigitte with adresses of maritime agencies and will look it after this letter. We will win! Love is with us. One the most sweet kiss for you and thousand hours of embraces with me. Jouw Mishkatje.

Are you at home, My Precious Koshka? Are you OK? Where is your good order and nice mood? With you or not? Not? Look around, may be it is in your big bed? No? Let me think... May be you can find good order and nice mood in the sportschool? And may be you found it already in this message... Be cool, My Love, be cool. I love you. Jouw Kostja.

16.12.2002 Monday

Hoi, Mijn Liefde. Wow, het is in Nederlands! I kan het doen! Maar ik zal in Engels schrijven, want het is veel goed.*
Privet, Meine Liebe Katze! Oh, it is Deutsch. I can't do it. I love you I love you I love you! It is more better language.
Ok, I'm serious. Today I gave my papers for Visa and I will get Visa in first week of January. I don't know when exactly, because Brigitte is not my mother or sister, and may be I can't get visa for three months, or only for one month. But for one month I need visa from first week of January for next month. In short: I wrote about visa for two month from 06.01.2003. If I will have luck, I'll have get visa for two month, in another case - only for one month. 1,2,3,5,6,7th January are free days in Russia. More probably I will get visa at 8th January. I will send you tomorrow morning letter about everything, and now I-net cafe is closing. I love you. Sleep so nice! Jouw Mishkatje. (Oh, it is Dutch again!) Many kisses to you, Ira. 
22.56 Dear Ira. With you...
Today was a hard day for me. There is very strong frost. Without my warmth head I would lost my ears. I began to study - every day I have lessons from 09.00 till 16.00 with some short breaks. And today in time of breaks I ran to call for visa. In one agency women listened me and asked: "Do you want to get your visa till New Year?" "A-pp-kh-pru-vfkkh" -said I. (Now I need to study and till New Year (may be, in first days of January) I will have get all new papers for work at sea). And I wrote you about visa. Agency works till 17.30. After lessons I had a dinner in 5 minutes, took my legs in my hands and ran at top speed to agency. Next you know.
In Monday I will have exam for qualification and next week I will have lessons
Oh, Ira, I made some pictures of big size (20*30 cm) and it is so nice. I presented it for my Friends. I'm afraid to send big pictures by post, better I will come with it.
Listen, does your mother speak English? Can I write postcard for her in English? Strangely enough, I'm not tired now, I'm ready to overcome the difficulties and I'm full of hopes to best. I love you, IRA.
Good night for you...jdhfurh, that is for me and good morning for you. Oh, Love, Love... I love you and I'm really happy. Thank you very much you are.
Mishkatje van Koshkatje.

*Привет, моя Любовь. Ого, это по-голландски! Я и так могу. Но я буду писать по-английски, потому что это много хорошо.

17.12.2002 Thursday

19.02 Privet, My Precious Little Koshka.
How are you? What with your condition? My life goes so fast, I can't stop and relax for some time - I'm running only. I want to come to you as soon as possible, because with you I can forget about anything for all time with you. With you I can have my brain, my things, my feelings, my heart, my Love, my body, my soul and My Koshkatje with her brain, her Love, her things, her feelings, her body, her soul, her heart in one place at the moment. Now my head is empty. Messages from you I have been reading so fast and I feel some white places in your life for me. But I can't do something for it. Oh, I said * I can't'... No, I can. I will do it.
I hope you are in good order. I love you and want to see/hear/feel you smiling and with gladness. I thought I will come to you in middle of January, and when I knew about 9th and 6th some later, it seemed not so long, I was so glad. And now it seems too. Dear Iratje, smile, please! I like your laugh. It seems for me, you are some sad, may be it is not true. But in any cases I want you would be smiling, like this - 8^))) or ;-))). I miss to hear your laugh very much. In short: Cheer up, Kostja and Ira!
Now about little unimportant things. I didn't get back my CD-Rom from control point of the fabric, where standing Kruzenshtern. I'm on Kruzenshtern right now. I can not finished my paper for vacation, because in a day I have to study, and in evening chief mate is not on the ship. I will some later pass through the control point with two CD-Roms and one knife and I need to save it. I will do it. I'm Prachkovskiy... Kostja Prachkovskiy (playing theme from soundtrack of "James Bond'") .
My friends have to say you "Hallo, Ira!". They are glad for us. It is so nice. I love you and I miss you badly. I hope to hear you tonight. Oh, I forgot, may be shops for telephone card is closed. I'll see. Sweet dreams to you and nice mood!
Kostja and all my Love. To you.

20.12.2002 Friday

Dear Ira.
I'm so sorry, I didn't write you something after our conversation. I worried about you in the way, and I'm very glad you are in fine order. I lost myself in time and space and desires. Nothing is changed, it is barely no good mood. I went for a walk in the city, because in a house of cadets my room mate invited his girlfriend inside... And yesterday I was on Kruzenshtern all night, I washed my clothes and slept in my bed. Tomorrow I will be at home in Gvardeysk after 20.00 local time (19.00 German time), I think. And I will wait you. I need you in my life. I love you. I looked today big bag for my things, when I come to you. 
Tomorrow I will be more better, but right now I'm more good than half hour ago. My Beloved Ira...
Say Hallo to Marlis, Volker and Anne. Today I sent to them postcards for New Year. I hope post service from Russia to Germany (then more from Russia to Holland) works more good then in opposite direction.
Kiss and hug you as strong as with tenderness. Nice days! I MISS YOU IRA. I LOVE YOU.
Jouw Mishkatje from Kaliningrad.

23.12.2002 Monday

Oh, My Wife, I love you. I'm in good order with nice mood, I don't know only where is my free time. I don't have it! I had success with my exam today. I hope today evening I will have time for writing of long message for you. I miss you very much every minute of my life. Ira, My Beloved Ira, I love you sooooo much! Thousands kisses for you. Your husband in Love - Kostja.

24.12.2002 Tuesday

Hallo, My Love!
Is today Christmas day? Or tomorrow? I don't know exact. But I wish you good time and nice mood, Mijn Lieve Koshkatje, even if would be barely week-day. I love you! I love you so much!
I didn't loose a hope for my photocamera and today mother of one of cadets returned it to me! ;-))))))))))))))))) I'm very happy! And that event I connect with you. I'm lucky, because you are in my life.
And I didn't lose some my pictures from 1th december about 'Kruzenshtern with snow.
Today in Academy I met Igor Michailovich. It was so good! He said 'Big hallo to you!' But we spoke not long.
Ira, I'm very sorry, I didn't send to you something for New Year. I have finished present for you, and yesterday I wanted to send it to you, but post office didn't work. And I decided to take New Year present with me in Breda in January. Present consist postcard and surprise for you. I don't have justifications... I'm really very sorry very deeply. But I reassure myself, because you have present for New Year from Canary Islands. I know, I could send to you postcard, but I wanted to send you some more than postcard, and in result I sent you nothing... :-((((((((((((
Now I have big black my hands made ball with my warmth head. And when I see people outside with warmth head like Santa Claus has, I say to them: 'By your warmth head you can catch tadpoles only!' It is very funny. All people are smiling, when they see me. I like it!
I continue to study every day. Today after lessons I played football and tomoorow in Gvardeysk I will play in football and will be at home after 21.00 o'clock local time (20.00 Germany time). I will wait you call, because Ik mis je zo ontzettend, My Little Koshka. I love you very very much and this feeling is more strong from day to day.
But I will be next to you so soon, may be more early, than you think. But I will tell you about it tomorrow. I love you, My Sweet Bride.
Milliones Kisses and a lot of Love, Kostja - Jour Mishkatje.

25.12.2002 Wednesday

I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You I Love You As Strong As Possible, Mijn Lieve Koshkatje! Mishka

26.12.2002 Thursday

Dear Ira!
I know, You looked my card! I'm waiting message from you. I will be in the internet next 1 hour. I Love You! Kostja

I will know tomorrow, when I get my last paper and I will inform you, when I come exactly. In a week-end I will ask my about next: he said his friends has been going to Holland sometimes for audio/video equipment; may be I will come with them to Holland, it is good posibility, but I'm not sure, I will ask. Be careful on road, My Best Driver. I Love You! Kostja

Weather in Kaliningrad region is not stable. Sometimes here are strong frost, sometimes here are very strong frost till 20 degrees less zero. Mood of Mishkatje in Love is best of the best and only sometimes - very nice. Rains and tears are not waiting. Very soon wave of good mood goes to West - in region of South Netherland. It will continues about two months, and next... Oh, I miss you and Love you so much, Ira. Kostja. Ira. Kostja. Koshka. Mishka. Koshkatje. Mishkatje. My Beloved Ira. Mijn Lieve Schat... Ik hou heel erg veel van jou, Mijn Liefde.*

*Моё Милое Сокровище... Я очень сильно тебя люблю, Моя Любовь. (голл.)

30.12.2002 Monday

Iratje, Mijn Liefde!
I will go to bus station some later and I will tell you about shedule of bus at evening. I only had time for getting my papers and shopping for New Year's present for my parents, grandparents and brother. After 15 minutes I will go to Kruzenshtern and take my things. My dentist said 'Your teeth is good'. I love you very much and I will miss you next ten days, and than I will hug you so strong and so long and don't release you. Hear you after 22.00 local time. Love, Love, Love and Love from Kostja.

04.01.2003 Saturday

What that means:-))) "I am not good enough for you and that you deserve someone better than me"? O-O-Oh! I Love You So Much! I Love You as if only you are in the world, and, consequently, you are the most beauty, desired and beloved women in the world for me! After 3 days I can say it to you tet-a-tet, face to face, blue eyes to green eyes. I bought two ways ticket to Bielefeld and I will leave Kaliningrad at 16.30 of 6th January and come to Bielefeld at 09.00 of 7th January 2003. I think you know I called to Brigitte. And I think you called to her too. Tomorrow I will get paper about my address in English with special stamp of notary. We Are Lucky, Ira!
I Love You Deeply, My Little Koshka! Thousands kisses to you fro-o-om Kostja-a-a!

Два месяца в Голландии в картинках.

Я приехал!

В Роттердаме.

Мост Эрасмус (Erasmusbrug) в центре города, который еще называют Лебедем..

На берегу Северного моря.

В Билефельде.

В гостях у Бригитты (крестной мамы нашего союза). 

В замке на холме.

Windows 7.

У Иры дома.

Вид из окна.

В Амстердаме.

Национальный музей искусства и истории (Rijksmuseum).

На цветочном рынке.

В Антверпене.

B Делфтe.

Мастерская по росписи делфтского фарфора.

Название города происходит от голландского delf - искуственно вырытый канал.

Делфт - первая столица Нидерландов и здесь традиционно хоронят членов королевской семьи.

На пляже в Scheveningen (непризносимо по-русски))).

В Маастрихте.

Продолжение - часть двадцать первая.

Дневник с Крузенштерна 2002-2003

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