Дневник с Крузенштерна, год 2002-2003. Часть тридцать третья, предпоследняя.

Mar 06, 2011 22:22

Derde van Augustus, Zondag (03-08-2003, Воскресенье)

22.00 I’m starting new part of the diary for You, My Beloved Iratje, Woman Of my Dream and My Tender Koshkatje, in so good mood and condition. I had good rest of work and monotonousness of life at sea. And I was in sport room after one in a half month first time. It was so good for me. Now I’m in good cheer and in good spirits. Only You didn’t get sms back from me, because I was working, and when I finished my work - no network available. It is always like this. But now we are going to Kaliningrad coast, and at morning I can send You “Gooeje Morgen SMS” (Доброе Утро смс). One cadet broke him eyebrow and contused head. It happened on beach (though I can call it ‘beach’ at a stretch - it is place next to sea without sand;-). Some acrobats had training there with inflatable track and after it they let jump people in the water. Cadet jumped and kicked his head with his knee. Our big doctor decided to dispatch him to home. Tomorrow we will deliver him with boat to Russian coast.
I don’t now what I did with my money in Sweden. I wanted to buy shampoo and tooth past, presents for Misha and Sergey, but I got just pictures. It is sososo nice pictures. I like it so much. And You, and Your navel with camomile, and You in boat. Oooohh!!! I also bought two newspaper with Kruzenshtern and phone card. After it I had in my pocket one banknote and some coins. And those coins swindled me. I thought it is ‘10 ore’, but it was 10 krones. I didn’t know about it and went to shop to buy something. Even for little present I had not enough money. I was choosing - to buy shampoo or something sweet. Shop had not so many shampoos, but so many chocolate. And I didn’t resist the temptation of chocolate waffle. Only at evening I got to know about 10 krones coin. I went to play roulette with bigbigbig chocolate waffle for winner, stake it on 4 (You know why), but won number 31. What is it for us? Ohh, wait, it is 3+1=4. Why I didn’t guess!!!! But I’m not sad. I won chocolate Koshkatje (Are You chocolate after beach? Yes, I know) in this life! And You are so sweet!
When I was walking around and in the city without You, I was a little bit sad - you are not next to me. Now it is always like this when I have free time. I could be with You this while. (It is melancholy part of Diary).
You know what I have above my bed? Suba, next You, Next Bota, next You and me, next Suba again, Your ‘pupok’ with camomile (I can imagine it without camomile to;o), and You with Mishkatje. I sleep so good. And I didn’t tell You about! Do You remember story with me and chocolate candy in a bed, when I fell asleep? Some days ago I found some parts of this chocolate on the hand of Mishkatje, who is sleeping with me. Ups!? He likes it too. Maybe all mishkatjes likes sweets?
Now I will go to sleep. But first I will look where Kruzer is. May be I can send you sms. I Love You, My Iratje....

Vijfde van Augustus, Diensdag (05-08-2003, Вторник)

19.05 You know, In Europe Kruzer can approach to any land, island or another part of dry land, any-any, that I can just guess land on horizon, and I can send You thousands SMS with words of thanks or Love or tenderness or about weather or all together, but in Russia we can sail next to coast couple hours, I can discern little branches on trees and my handy is fit for games only. It was Yesterday, when we approached to Baltijsk (navy city in Kaliningrad region), so that to convey cadet with broken eyebrow to little boat. By chance I could send You sms via Polish network but nothing more.
Yesterday was washing day, we washed the deck, we had a shower bath on the deck with outboard water, because it was so hot. Day could be so nice if it were not little trifle. I found one of my white t-short, which we bought in Bielefeld, in box for floor-clothes on the deck. I left it on the anchor arrangement. I’m not drudging, I don’t understand, why people can’t think about another people. I became in bad mood so lazy in one second. I took the book and went to end of the ship. After one hour I got seasick and went to bed. It was one hour before dinner. And I woke up just for dinner and for sailing alarm at midnight. I felt so bad. Now it seems like so distant past.
Yesterday I put two pictures of You more above the bed (from Hamburg’s park). It helped, because I looked at You and thought about You, but not about my condition.
Now I’m OK. I sent to You mail via telex and got mail from You, but via Igor’s address, I don’t know why. May be You muddled up addresses. Doesn’t matter.
Today morning I gave work for two cadets (they painted support for living boats), and said to Lionja, that I will get some trainees for work. I stretched double string for making long white fluffy thing and started to make it slowly. Some trainees (they are all after forty - 44 people) first took pictures of me and made a movie with camcorders. I was waiting. Like spider. Next they walked around me and looked. I was waiting. At last one trainee asked me “for what is it”. I answered him and 3hjoffered to help me. After ten minutes three trainees were working with me. After dinner I got to talk with on of them (his name is Thorsten). He is from Hamburg, is working with insurance of movies and he is not married, because he is so busy with work. We told like friends about everything. One time he had little café in jungle of Hawaii close to ocean, but lava-stream of He is nice and I thought about him as about good boyfriend for Brigitte. Only Brigitte is crazy about Shenja.
Oh, I forgot to tell You. At midnight from 3 to 4 of August I ate up Zoete (Sweet) Mishkatje. I couldn’t send You sms ( I tried 1.5 hour), and I felt sad a little. First I broke off one pad, and than made tea (I bought new tea in Sweden “Tetley exotic”) and I finished “Kleine Bar” with Algis, who woke up with smell of tea. Zoete Mishka didn’t live till three month just one week.

Achtste van Augustus, Vrijdag (08-08-2003, Пятница)

18.00 Goeje dag, Mijn Lieve Koshkatje! Today day with two daytrips is so crazy. We work and work and work. But I feel so good and so happy. I didn’t sleep enough, 4 hours only, but I’m not tired and sullen. Everything is good because we will get married! You gave to me good news one after one. I’m sure - now nothing can stop us.
I don’t know what I need to start to tell You from. Last three days, including today, are like one day. In Wednesday after work I had to talk with Thorsten all evening. I showed to him my last pictures, sent sms to you and continued to talk till 23.00. I thought how to introduce him to Brigitte, but he has girlfriend (gotverdomme!!;-) (Черт побери! - голл)). When he was a boy, he had to visit Kruzenshtern at once with his father, who worked in Navy. And he dreamed to sail with Kruzer some day. Now dreame came true. For some trainees Kruzenshtern is not only kind of vacation. In this year we had trainee, who sow the ship with his friend in a book or postcard, when they were children, and they swore to each other one day to sail with Kruzenshtern. And only after 50(!) years one of them came on board in memory of his dead friend. What a story!
In day of arriving (I got sms from Etienne in Dutch, because I sent him in Datch too, and had dinner between two neighboring words) I worked a bit, before mooring operation and called you. I had to see German coast after awakening and kept back myself to call you, because yesterday we finished smsing at midnight. I know You like to sleep s:o):o):o):o):o)o l:o):o):o):o):o):o):o)ong. To talk with You is always so nice, it makes me so sprightly. And after second conversation in afternoon I was flying...

Negende van Augustus, Zaterdag (09-08-2003, Суббота)

12.00 ...on the deck. We set tent over the deck and then I left ship with football team. We came to meeting point and were waiting for all teams. Next to us was standing little stage where everybody could try to play with foot ball masterly and get prize for it. For football team it was not so difficult. Some cadets with me played together for some minutes and got CD’s, baseball caps and t-shorts. My T-shirt some later I presented to Sasha for one year anniversary of his relation with Lena* (it is today, she already came to Warnemunde and Sasha remained in the city in presented T-shirt; he wants to propose marriage to her. Sasha doesn’t know how to do it and they didn’t talk about it before. Even I’m excited!-).
16.29 First daytrip is finished. Ooh! It is so hot hear. I’m hiding in radioroom with conditioner. Beach of Warnemunde is overfull - I can’t see sand because of bodies. And Warnemunde is full too. And Germany too. And Europe is too full. Oh, what am I writing about?

“head is getting colder and thoughts are inspiring, starting itself flowing in my head but without success”

I met Klaus and Kristel on board. Klaus will go with Kruzenshtern, and Kristel will not, she has to work. And stupid fat French women trainees officer from “MIR’ came on board. Ups, mooring operation is starting.

*Саша Суворов, матрос с фока, познакомился в прошлом году с немкой Леной,  которая ходила с нами туристом. Потом она приезжала в немецкие порты к нему в гости.

Tiende van Augustus, Zondag (10-08-2003, Воскресенье)

16.15 Last daytrip is finished. I will go now to internet. I will tell You about yesterday and today by telephone, OK?
I love You and I’m so happy with You, Mijn Lieve Vrouwetje IRA. I’m - Your Mishkatje.

Twaalvde van Augustus, Diensdag (12-08-2003, Вторник)

08.06 Yesterday You didn’t get my mail, cause radio operator didn’t send it. And I was sleeping after dinner and couldn’t check it.
In Sunday Jenja didn’t say to me something about watch and called me when I was already 30 minutes sleeping. And after watch I waited mooring operation, that finished at 06.00. And at 07.00 started sailing alarm. Everybody were so angree. But chief mate said that we have free time until 13.00. Today morning started with sailing alarm too and I don’t like it. A lot of things on this ship I don’t like now. As soon I will leave Kruzer as better. You see I’m in bad mood already. I will not continue to write in bad mood. Nice mood come to me, please!!!

Dertiende van Augustus, Woensdag (13-08-2003, Среда)

Hoi, Koshkatje.
I got Your mail in the afternoon and…. And what can I say? I would never do it better than You! I never was on wedding day and I imagine nothing, exactly, I imagined nothing. Now I know what is perfect wedding day. I was happy laughing, when I was reading mail. And I believe it and don’t believe it. I will leave ship in 13 days, I will come to You in September and for next three weeks I will get it in reality. I feel sorry too that I can’t do it with You. I can’t do something for wedding day from here. But I will think. Now I will start to think more about it, it is more real for me with Your mail. I’m reading and reading letter from beginning to end every ten minutes and getting sure and sure more. More sure with my feelings about OUR future wedding. I remembered our party at 30th of January and my feelings were not so nice. I was a little bit down in the dumps/not quite oneself. Now I’m more assured. And it will be our day - Yours and mine and I’m so happy!! I don’t know Your father, but I’m so glad that You have nice emotions about reaction of him. And now if we can’t really go in jeans (I think so too), what is about Your dress? I know it will be surprise, but will You have real wedding dress or not wedding but very nice clothes? Can You answer It, My sexysexy woman? And You need to cut my hair when I will come so that it grow again a bit.
I feel wedding day like exam for me. But it is not exam. Force me to believe it. I will be with easy. But anyway I will be excited. I’m excited right now when I just think about it.
I like Your scenario and so much honeymoon in hotel. What we will eat and drink in those three days I think is not matter, nothing special, but we will think out it before one week. But cake in hotel in honeymoon…. I will choose, OK? May be we will try in during three weeks a few cakes for the best. And I can eat it with some parts of Your body in Hotel. You don’t need to worried about my YES and KISS. We will have training everyday in September and I can do it. Is it not exam?
About restaurant I don’t care, You know more about it and I trust You - You will choose. I will try to be good example for the rest eaters and eat well.
Witness. It would be nice to choose Leo&Margriet together, but I would like to choose Brigitte. And For second man in wedding ceremony I’ll choose Leo Derks, e-mail address leo.derks@wolmail.nl, he lives in Helmond next to Eindhoven, you know him.
I didn’t send to You mail today, because we are in the worst place for communication in Baltic Sea and it takes sometimes long time. I will send this letter tomorrow morning, because Igor now is in sauna.
I Love You I Love You I Love You
Jouw Mishkatje

В Карлскруне (Швеция).

Здесь шведские юнги сошли на берег, а одну из девчонок я встретил позже в городе.

Карслкруна мне почему-то напомнила Питер.

Наша матросская команда с фока: (слева направо) Виктор Усатов, Альгис Алексюнас, Сашка Суворов, боцман Леня Шулюк и я. Не хватает только Левы Орлова.

Леня-боцман пишет план работ на завтра.

Могу ошибиться, но, по-моему, это польскую "Искру" штормит.

Замок принца Датского где-то на побережье Дании.

На рейде Копенгагена, самолеты заходят на посадку.

Лоцманский трапик сохнет.

Подшкипер Игорь Майоров красит кнехт.

Дневник с Крузенштерна 2002-2003, Крузенштерн

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