I'm very much on the fence about the death penalty. I don't feel like prison does a good job of rehabilitating inmates in order to make them productive members of society once they are released (which would probably go a long way in reducing the number of people on death row in the first place), but at the same time, I don't want tax dollars paying to food, house, clothe -- and sometimes pay for the college education of -- death row inmates, either. I also wonder how I would feel about a person who brutally raped/murdered/dismembered someone that I loved; would I want them to die for their crimes? Maybe yes, maybe no. I hope I'm never in the position to make that moral decision.
This article doesn't really have anything to do with my feelings about the death penalty, but it is definitely the strangest argument I've seen against executing someone. So does that mean when they have to stick me a couple times to find a vein when I give blood, it's cruel and unusual punishment? :D