Title: The Stronger Beast
Author: Sophia Dreith
Fandom: Power Rangers(kinda Dino Thunder)
Pairing: Eric Meyers/Andros
Rating: R
Summary: It is not for weaker creatures to decide their fate if the stronger beast has a different opinion.
Word Count: 11,385 so far
Notes: This story is definitely power rangers, however it is not strictly following any set timeline. The closest is Dino Thunder, however with the exception of Tommy as the black ranger, none of the other rangers are the originals from DT, they are actually the rangers from Space and the White ranger here is Eric Meyers from Time Force. There are elements of all three as well as plot points from MMPR if you squint. To be honest, this story came about because I wanted to slash the characters on DT, but I'm in my 20s and something about slashing teenagers is just kinda gross, to me. This is the first thing I've written in over 10 years so please be gentle:3
Disclaimer: I own nothing
This is not yet complete
Part 01 |
Part 02 |
Part 03 |
Part 04 |
Part 05