Power Rangers SPD/Mystic Force Team Up!

Jan 13, 2007 21:39

It had started when Madison had recieved her powers. The slightest rainstorm, the gentlest sea mist, the tiny droplets of warm water from the shower, everything pertaining to her element was heightened. It was inevitable, she surmised, that her awareness of nature would be greater with her mystical connection to it. Where she once dreaded a shower in the morning, now it was the absolute best way to energize herself for the day. And it was in that shower that she noticed something was wrong.

She could hear the water as it galloped up the pipe and collided into a torrent with the shower head. Each droplet, each pulse of water felt like needles as it fell onto with Madison's skin. She cried out slightly in pain as she fell to the smooth floor of the bathtub. Her mind became fuzzy as the assault continued, her senses heightened to the max. Her pink flesh began to drip and melt as it lost its hue and opacity. She was becoming liquid, becoming the very essence of water. With all of her might she crawled closer to the facet, reaching quickly and shutting it off. When the last few droplets escaped the shower head, her skin began to turn back to it's normal color and texture. She gasped for air and got to her feet, wrapping a towel around her. "What was that?" she asked into the steamy mirror.

Fourteen years in the future, Boom was sitting in an office chair, watching a little red blinking light flicker. His eyebrows picked up as the light began to pulse faster and faster while a viewscreen popped on. He leaned forward and inspected the symbols on the screen, his eyes growing wide. He fumbled around for the switch to the intercom, eventually paging SPD with "Uh... everyone report to the Command Deck, we've got something big."

It was only a minute or two later when Dr. Kat Manx was leaning in over Boom's shoulder, her eyes darting back and forth on the screen. "Dr. Manx," piped in Commander Doggie Cruger, "What is the situation."

"A time anamoly sir, a small rip in the fabric of time and space. Two minutes ago it was the size of a pea and it's grown to the size of a basketball. It is moving at an exponential rate, and with the speed that it is growing in, I would say we'd have about two days before it reaches us."

"What could be causing such an event?" asked Sydney Drew as she stood attentively.

"It is unknown at this time. Most likely, someone from our time has gone back in time and created a change in the time stream," answered Kat. "I am trying to scan it back to its source."

"Dr. Manx, continue with your scanning," said Doggie. "Once you track down the time and place that the anamoly began we will go back and correct it from happening. For now, Rangers you are to investigate this event. Dig up some dirt, try to find who caused this so we can find out where they've gone and what they've done."

"You can count on us sir," piped in Skye Tate.

On the other side of the city another team of five was gathering. Their silhouette's barely visible in the pale moonlight. A young woman stood before them, her golden eyes piercing through the night like fireflies. "I have opened the time rift and begun phase one," she said coldly. "The water girl is beginning to lose control."

"Excellent," said a voice from the shadows. A hulking of a man stood towering in the darkness. "We shall begin the purification process. You are to travel to the past and begin the elemental awakening. Through the awakening we will purify the world with its own elements, discarding the poisons of humanity."

"Consider it aleady done," said the woman as she turned from the group. A click on her bracelet and a glowing green portal opened in front of her.She melted into the energy and disappeared from the group's sight.

Meanwhile, in Briarwood, Madison was staring aimlessly at a group of teenagers browsing the small "country" section that Toby had regretably put in the store. Her sister Vida spotted her from her usual place behind the turntables. She clicked a button, keeping the music on a continual loop as she walked over to Madison. "What's up sis?" she asked, her hand on her hip in a slightly sassy way.

"Something strange happened to me today," said Madison. She sighed and said, "my powers went totally nuts."

"I thought I heard something," said Vida. "But I was still half asleep and I thought I dreamt it."

"If I didn't have to work I'd go to Rootcore and have Udonna check it out," she said as the youths trailed off from the country section into the DVDs.

"I can cover for you," said Vida with a shrug. "It's not like there's a ton of people here today anyways."

"Thanks," said Madison as she hurried towards the door. "I'll be back as soon as I can," she called back.

"Don't worry," said Vida as she watched Madison leave.

Maddie quickly rushed across the street towards the big tree in front of the store. Making sure nobody was around her, she leapt magically through the tree, coming out with a slight pop from a tree near Rootcore. There would be a bit of walking, but she was comfortable with that.

She had taken no more than a couple of steps when a swirling green portal opened quickly in front of her and a young shadowed woman stepped out from inside. Her face was pale and her long dark hair whipped across it in the wind. At her side she held two blades, pointing outward from her delicate wrists. The way she held them made them look like sharp, silver wings. Around her neck was a simple necklace holding a black feather. Her outfit was simple, a black colored one piece made of leather. Pointed boots and long silver opera gloves completed the outfit.

"Who are you?" asked Madison cautiously. She didn't want to assume the woman was evil, but she wasn't taking any chances either. Her arm instinctivly hovered near her morpher, in case she needed to transform.

"My name is Raptor," she said. "But names are unimportant." She raised her blades up to neck level and quickly cut them across the air in front of her like scissors. A gust of wind ripped at Madison and pushed her to the soft ground.

"Magical Source, Mystic Force!" yelled Madison as she got to her feet, morpher in hand. With a flash of blue light, she stood before Raptor, completely decked out as the Blue Mystic Force Ranger. She leapt from the ground and brought her Magi Staff down on the woman's head. A few more thrusts with her staff helped keep Raptor off of her balance, but she eventually countered Maddie with a swift swipe to the torso. A spray of sparks clung in the air as Maddie was shoved into a tree.

"Give up?" asked Raptor. She hovered around Madison as if she expected her to do something.

"You wish," said Madison as she raised her staff. "Mystic Water Jet!" she cried out as a torrent of water spiralled through the air on a collision course with Raptor.

"Thank you," she said as she raised a palm to the jet of water. It was as if she grabbed the stream and yanked, causing it to reverse it's flow back at Madison. Once more Madison could feel her body begin to lose control, transforming slowly into water.

"What are you doing?" asked Madison.

"Saving the future," answered Raptor.

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