014 Save the Day

Feb 09, 2009 07:09

Title: Darkness Overwhelming
Fandom: Mystic Force
Pairing: N/A
Prompt: 014 Save the Day
Rating: 15
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue.
Summary/Warnings: Somewhere, all wishes come true.
Word Count: 344 / 52 682
Author's notes: My table is here/.

014 Save the Day

The earthquake barely registered in Silver Hills. Most of the town didn’t even notice, going about their day with no idea what was happening.

It was a different story at the Silver Guardian headquarters. Wes was already trying to have two different conversations when Eric arrived, scattering Silver Guardians as he pushed forward.

Wes lifted a hand to acknowledge him, ending the conversation on his headset and excusing himself to the man in front of him.

“What’s going on?” Eric demanded, glancing around. As far as he could tell, every Silver Guardian currently serving was here.

Wes tugged him to one side, out of the flow of people. “There was an earthquake in Briarwood earlier today,” he said quietly.

“I heard. We’re not Search-and-Rescue, Wes.”

Wes lifted his wrist, displaying his morpher. “Something’s rising. Tommy Oliver’s sensors are going crazy.”

“Then let Tommy Oliver deal with it.”

“His team lost their powers. Come on, Eric.”

Eric grumbled for a moment, but his heart wasn’t in it; they’d both known he wasn’t going to refuse. “Why all the backup?”

“Because there’s no new Rangers,” Wes said. “Evil’s never built up to these levels without Rangers coming forward.”

Eric nodded slowly. “So we’re it, huh? Alright. What d’you need?”

Almost two hours later their convoy pulled to a halt just outside Briarwood. Eric had been watching the sky for the past hour; once the sun had set it had become dark almost at once.

“Wes, we can’t fight in this.”

“We can’t leave them all night, they’ll dig in. There’s civilians to think about.”

Eric scowled, following Wes towards a bright yellow Rover. “Your idea?”

“Tommy’s, I think,” Wes said over his shoulder. “Carter!”

Carter Grayson looked up from the discussion with his team. “Wes. Eric. Good to see you.”

“You guys ready?” Wes glanced over the team, nodding to each of them.

“Yeah. You?”

“We’ve got two hundred Silver Guardians with us, another two waiting as back up.” Wes grinned, clapping his hands together. “Let’s go save the day.”

mystic force, lightspeed rescue, time force

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