Team Building with Jack Landors (SPD, A Squad, #30, T)

Oct 08, 2008 00:40

characters: SPD’s A Squad (Sky/Jack)
prompt #30: music
word count: 1400
rating: T
summary: "Cadets. It's come to my attention that a change in your civil status may be imminent."

Team Building with Jack Landors (music) )

jack/sky, slash, space patrol delta

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megthelegend October 8 2008, 04:54:57 UTC
I love this SO much. Your characterisations are all great and it's very entertaining to read.

I also read one of your lovely Merrick/Shayla stories last night, and now I have an ever so innocent idle question for you... have you ever watched Gaoranger? ::whistles ever so innocently::


starandrea October 8 2008, 05:48:07 UTC
Squee! Thank you so much! ♥

...Um, no? o.O Is suspicious of your emphasis on innocence! ::laughs:: Love!


megthelegend October 8 2008, 05:51:31 UTC
Nuts nuts nuts. ::grins:: I'd *love* to see what you'd do with Gao fic.

(edit - is GaoRed in my icon - ISN'T HE PRETTY!!)


starandrea October 8 2008, 06:19:34 UTC
Ohhh! ::comprehension:: I am extra complimented, then! ♥

Yes! ::laughs:: I just looked all of the Gaorangers up, and I must say, he is quite the prettiest!


megthelegend October 8 2008, 06:27:36 UTC
Hee! He's lovely. I love WF, unlike many people, it seems, and it's great that you've written so much wonderful WF fic. You make Merrick much more likeable than he is at times in the show, same with Shayla -- as they should be presented to us, rather than as they *are*.

So I'd love to see what you'd do with Shirogane (who pwns Merrick IMO, though I still like Merrick even on the show) and the rest of them. :)

But obviously if you haven't seen Gao, you haven't seen Gao, and I'm not about to complain if you keep working on your AMAZING SPD stuff instead. You writing = total win for me, whatever fandom.


starandrea October 8 2008, 06:48:22 UTC
Wild Force was BRILLIANT. Humanity as its own worst enemy; I thought it was insightful and fabulous ♥ The acting was awful. It was like the opposite of SPD: I dislike everything about SPD, except for the acting ::grin:: SPD is like, the opposite of what I stand for in the world. I can't stand the organization, the way it does things, the way it moralizes or self-regulates or anything. But--! The ethical potential! {{love}}

Wild Force, on the other hand. Blessings! It was like Power Rangers heard everything important about the planet and put it in a handy action-filled... 18 minutes. Animals! Nature! Magic! It was great! ♥

You existing = total win for me xoxo Thanks for being made of awesome! ::warm fuzzies::


megthelegend October 8 2008, 07:38:35 UTC
Oh, that's a fascinating way to put it! Interesting opposites there. Fwiw I think you might really like Gao; Wild Force is VERY close to it, but the acting's better in Gao and of course there are more intense moments. For example with Loki/Shirogane as compared to Zen-Aku/Merrick. The ethical moments are there in Gao, too; there's a Gao equivalent of Kite.

I am very impressed with some of the moments in WF, and how amazingly dark it gets -- e.g. when Cole's collapsed crying in front of his parents' graves, he & Alyssa & Taylor do a great job with that. Also when Taylor loses the Bear Zords. And Gao can be VERY silly at times, which is part of the fun of course! But overall I think the acting's much better in Gao.

I have a major soft spot for both series, assisted of course by RPing characters from both, heh.

You are just adorable. Thank you. :)


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