New Horizons (All seasons, #35, T/R)

Oct 05, 2008 17:47

Title: New Horizons
Fandom: All Seasons
Pairing: Uh....let me get back to you.
Prompt: #035.Shattered
Rating: T/R
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the idea. :)
Summary: Starting over is never easy but when its on an alien planet its even harder.
Warnings: Slash, violence, adult language, and character deaths (lots of character deaths).
Author's Notes: This is not meant to correspond with my stand alone "Stages" but it's the same idea.


Casey winced as another tree was felled. Kimberly had argued with Trisana for an hour the night before to convince the alien woman that logs would be better for the outer gate than the materials the Triforians had brought. For one, it would be sturdier, two, it afforded more protection against animals, and three, it could easily be fixed without outside help.

Trisana had finally agreed after Wes had pointed out that none of the Terran’s knew how to use the repair tools and it would take more time to teach them, time they didn’t have since winter was just around the corner.


The sudden shout made him look up. When he saw who had spoken he began running. Within minutes he and Fran had crashed into each other, her sobbing as she clung to him. Likewise, Camille was hanging onto to Jarrod and crying while Flit buzzed above them. RJ simply beamed.

Allowing Fran to continue to cry against him, he looked around and saw Conner in the middle of a three way hug with two people he figured were Cassidy and Devon while a little girl had flung herself at Eric, sobbing.

Eric hugged the little girl to him, his eyes closed as he buried his face in the girls’ hair. Wes stood at his side, a hand on the former Quantum Ranger’s shoulder as Casey realized the older man was shaking. Realizing there was a lot he didn’t know about his fellow refugee, he turned back to the still crying girl in his arms as RJ pulled Camille and Jarrod over for a group hug. Looking up, he saw that Jarrod and RJ were both crying and not trying to hold it in. Suddenly, the fact Lily, Theo, and Dom were gone hit him and he buried his face back into Fran’s hair, sobbing.
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